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315 Search Results


Prescription Medications to Treat Overweight & Obesity

treatment  patients  medication  obesity  overweight  weight loss  BMI  prescription  Weight Management  Overweight Obesity  prescription medications  weight-loss  lose weight  orlistat  Xenical  Alli  phentermine-topiramate  Qsymia  naltrexone-bupropion Contrave  liraglutide 

Learn which prescription weight-control medications are—and aren't—safe and effective, how they work, and their common side effects.

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La prueba de A1C y la diabetes

Diabetes  Patients  Health Professionals  prediabetes  A1C  Type 2 Diabetes  hemoglobina A1C  HbA1C  prueba de glucohemoglobina  hemoglobina glicosilada  diagnosis  control  pruebas  eAG  promedio estimado de glucosa  pruebas de sangre  Community Outreach 

Cómo funciona y se usa la prueba A1C para diagnosticar y monitorear la diabetes tipo 2 y la prediabetes, cuándo no funciona y cómo se relaciona la A1C con el promedio estimado de glucosa.

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skin  patients  liver  anemia  Liver Disease  liver cancer  hemoglobin  liver failure  gene mutation  Cirrhosis  heme  bone marrow  Porphyria  porphyrias  porphyrin  acute porphyria  cutaneous porphyria  acute intermittent porphyria  porphyria cutanea tarda  protoporphyria 

Porphyrias are diseases that occur when the body has problems making heme. Acute porphyrias affect the nervous system; cutaneous porphyrias affect the skin.

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Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR)

symptoms  children  treatment  antibiotics  patients  surgery  Diagnostic Tests  Risk Factors  Urologic Diseases  Urinary Tract Infection  Ultrasound  Urinary Tract Infections  Vesicoureteral Reflux  Deflux  Catheterization  health professionals  general public  UTI  bladder infection  VUR 

Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is a condition in which urine flows backward from the bladder to one or both ureters and sometimes to the kidneys.

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Pruebas de la tiroides

glandula tiroidea  Patients  Health Professionals  hipertiroidismo  Enfermedad de Graves  enfermedad de Hashimoto  hipotiroidismo  hormonas tiroideas  pruebas de la función tiroidea  T3  T4  TSH libre de T4  pruebas de anticuerpos tiroideos  nódulos tiroideos  cáncer de tiroides  Diagnostic Tests 

Obtenga información sobre las pruebas de sangre y las pruebas de diagnóstico por la imagen para verificar qué tan bien está funcionando la tiroides y diagnosticar enfermedades de la tiroides.

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Your Game Plan to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

diabetes  patients  physical activity  type 2 diabetes  weight loss  general public  healthy eating plan  preventing type 2 diabetes 

Learn what steps you can take to help prevent type 2 diabetes. Find tips and tools to lose weight, follow a healthy eating plan, move more, and get support.

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Weight Management Collection

weight  management  collection 

Contains publications associated with the Weight Control & Healthy Living (English) health topic.

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Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney

patients  Kidney Disease  Urinary Tract  Ultrasound  Cysts  Kidneys  dialysis  chronic kidney disease  birth defect  kidney failure  kidney transplant  CKD  Kidney Dysplasia  fetus  Solitary kidney  renal dysplasia  Multicystic dysplastic kidney  MCDK  multicystic renal dysplasia  single-functioning kidney 

Learn about symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of multicystic dysplastic kidney, which occurs when a baby’s kidneys do not develop normally in the womb.

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Artificial Pancreas

children  diabetes  adults  patients  clinical trials  Blood Glucose  Type 1 Diabetes  glycemic control  insulin  hypoglycemia  Blood Glucose Control  artificial pancreas  Glucagon  hyperglycemia  CGM  continuous glucose monitor  insulin infusion pump  controller  insulin injection  closed-loop 

Learn how an artificial pancreas system can automatically control blood glucose levels in people with type 1 diabetes.

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About the Body Weight Planner

patients  Weight Management 

Learn how to use the Body Weight Planner, which helps adults set their personal physical activity and calorie goals.

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