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Glomerular Disease

diabetes  patients  Protein  Kidney Disease  Hematuria  Kidneys  dialysis  hemodialysis  chronic kidney disease  kidney failure  kidney transplant  weight gain  swelling  diabetic kidney disease  Diabetic Nephropathy  IgA Nephropathy  Lupus nephritis  Edema  Proteinuria  Glomeruli 

Overview of glomerular disease, a condition that affects kidney function by damaging tiny filters in your kidneys called glomeruli.

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Helping Your Child Adapt to Life with Chronic Kidney Disease

school  friends  patients  physical activity  Kidney Disease  chronic disease  Urinary Incontinence  dialysis  chronic kidney disease  kidney failure  Sports  kidney transplant  job  CKD  career  Self-esteem  growth failure  treatment regimen  adherence 

Overview of ways in which parents and other adults can help children with kidney disease overcome the daily challenges of living with a chronic illness.

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Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney

patients  Kidney Disease  Urinary Tract  Ultrasound  Cysts  Kidneys  dialysis  chronic kidney disease  birth defect  kidney failure  kidney transplant  CKD  Kidney Dysplasia  fetus  Solitary kidney  renal dysplasia  Multicystic dysplastic kidney  MCDK  multicystic renal dysplasia  single-functioning kidney 

Learn about symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of multicystic dysplastic kidney, which occurs when a baby’s kidneys do not develop normally in the womb.

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Eating & Nutrition for Peritoneal Dialysis

sodium  patients  probiotics  Protein  Kidney Disease  eating plan  potassium  health professionals  kidney failure  calories  Phosphorus  peritoneal dialysis  dietician  Community Outreach  renal dietician  liquid foods  phosphate binders  vitamin and mineral supplements 

Overview of eating and nutrition for peritoneal dialysis, including what to eat and drink, and how to set dietary goals and calorie limits.

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Eating & Nutrition for Hemodialysis

sodium  nutrition  diet  Protein  Kidney Disease  potassium  Fluids  Kidneys  Meal Planning  dialysis  hemodialysis  chronic kidney disease  Self-care  Caloric Intake  Phosphorus  Dietitians 

Explains in an easy-to-read format how food affects hemodialysis patients and describes the role of fluids, potassium, phosphorus, protein, sodium, calories, and vitamins and minerals.

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Nephrotic Syndrome in Children

patients  cholesterol  Protein  Kidney Disease  transplant  Kidneys  dialysis  kidney failure  hyperlipidemia  swelling  Edema  Proteinuria  Glomeruli  Glomerular Disease  immunosuppressants  corticosteroids  steroids  diuretics  albumin  statins 

Overview of nephrotic syndrome in children, a combination of symptoms that can develop when a child’s kidneys are not working properly.

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Kidney Biopsy

treatment  patients  diagnosis  complications  biopsy  Postoperative Care  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  Urologic Diseases  Hematuria  Kidney Diseases  Preoperative Care  Proteinuria  kidney biopsy  renal biopsy  kidney tissue sample  kidney disease diagnosis  percutaneous kidney biopsy  PRB  laparoscopic kidney biopsy 

Learn about a kidney biopsy, a procedure in which a health care professional takes small pieces of tissue from your kidney to look for signs of damage or disease.

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Kidney Failure

patients  Kidney Disease  health professionals  kidney failure 

Learn about preparing for and living with kidney failure, treatment choices—dialysis at home or in a center, kidney transplant, or conservative management.

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Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

patients  Kidney Disease  chronic kidney disease 

Overview of chronic kidney disease (CKD), including definition, causes, tests and diagnosis, managing CKD, eating right with CKD, and preventing CKD.

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Renal Tubular Acidosis

HIV  HIVAIDS  patients  acid  kidney  complications  citrate  fatigue  lupus  autoimmune  muscle weakness  Abdominal pain  Kidney Disease  potassium  rickets  adrenal  Urine  Kidney Diseases  Kidney Stones  Urinary Tract Infections 

Learn about the different types of renal tubular acidosis (RTA), their causes, how RTA is diagnosed, and how it is treated.

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