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Autoimmune Hepatitis

patients  fatigue  nausea  Abdominal pain  Liver Disease  Joint Pain  liver cancer  health professionals  liver transplant  liver failure  jaundice  Cirrhosis  liver biopsy  Autoimmune hepatitis  corticosteroids  autoimmune disease  poor appetite  prednisone  prednisolone  azathioprine 

Discusses symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of autoimmune hepatitis, a disease in which your immune system attacks the liver, causing inflammation and damage.

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skin  patients  liver  anemia  Liver Disease  liver cancer  hemoglobin  liver failure  gene mutation  Cirrhosis  heme  bone marrow  Porphyria  porphyrias  porphyrin  acute porphyria  cutaneous porphyria  acute intermittent porphyria  porphyria cutanea tarda  protoporphyria 

Porphyrias are diseases that occur when the body has problems making heme. Acute porphyrias affect the nervous system; cutaneous porphyrias affect the skin.

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Learn the ABCs of Hepatitis | CDC Features

viral  features  vaccination  vaccine  hepatitis  CDC  hepatitis b  abcs  hepatitis c  Liver Disease  CDC Features  chronic Hepatitis B  viral hepatitis  liver cancer  Hepatitis A  risk assessment  Hepatitis Awareness Month  Hepatitis Testing Day  testing recommendations 

For Hepatitis Awareness Month and national Hepatitis Testing Day on May 19th, learn more about the different types of viral hepatitis. Find out if you should get tested or vaccinated by taking a quick, online Hepatitis Risk Assessment.

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Hepatitis C: Testing Baby Boomers Saves Lives | CDC Features

hepatitis  lives  baby  testing  cdcfeatures  boomers  saves  hepatitis c  Liver Disease  Blood test  CDC Features  viral hepatitis  liver cancer  antibody test  baby boomer  1945-1965 hepatitis C 

About 3 million Americans have hepatitis C, most are baby boomers or people born from 1945-1965. Baby boomers are 5 times more likely to have hepatitis C. If you were born during these years, talk to your doctor about getting tested.

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World Hepatitis Day | CDC Features

features  vaccination  vaccine  hepatitis  who  day  CDC  world  hepatitis b  Liver Disease  CDC Features  chronic Hepatitis B  viral hepatitis  liver cancer  Hepatitis A  Hepatitis E  risk assessment  testing recommendations  world hepatitis day  World Hepatitis Day 

Know Hepatitis. Act Now. For World Hepatitis Day, learn more about the different types of viral that impact millions worldwide, and what you can do.

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Hepatitis Awareness | CDC Features

hepatitis  awareness  hepatitis b  hepatitis c  CDC Features  viral hepatitis  liver cancer  Hepatitis A  hepatitis risk assessment 

CDC’s online Hepatitis Risk Assessment takes less than five minutes and provides personalized viral hepatitis testing and vaccination recommendations

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Hepatitis B: Make Sure Your Child Has Been Fully Vaccinated | CDC Features

children  vaccination  CDC  testing  hepatitis b  chinese  vietnamese  asia  Liver Disease  Blood test  CDC Features  Asian Americans  Pacific Islanders  AAPI  API  Pacific Islands  CDC hepatitis B  chronic Hepatitis B  viral hepatitis  liver cancer 

Know Hepatitis B is a multi-lingual campaign promoting testing for Hepatitis B for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Hepatitis B affects 1 in 12 Asian Americans, but most don’t know they have it.

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