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The A1C Test & Race/Ethnicity

gallstones  african  patients  anemia  red blood cells  Diagnostic Tests  Blood Glucose  blood disorder  sickle cell disease  african american  asian  hispanic  variant  hemoglobin  blood sugar  A1C  hypoglycemia  hyperglycemia  diabetes test  A1C Test 

Overview of hemoglobin variants that can affect A1C test results, and how to ensure your diabetes is well controlled if you have one of these variants.

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Primary Hyperparathyroidism

research  symptoms  treatment  patients  surgery  Information Resources  Diagnostic Tests  Calcium  vitamin D  Endocrine Diseases  Parathyroid Hormone  Hyperparathyroidism  Parathyroid Gland  Primary Hyperparathyroidism 

Describes symptoms, causes, and treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism where one or more enlarged parathyroid gland secretes too much parathyroid hormone.

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Graves’ Disease

research  symptoms  treatment  pregnancy  patients  diagnosis  thyroid  Patient Care Management  Information Resources  Diagnostic Tests  Drug Therapy  iodine  Endocrine Diseases  Endocrine Diseases and Disorders  Graves Ophthalmopathy  TSH  Thyroiditis  Hashimotos Disease  Hyperthyroidism  Graves Disease 

Overview of Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disorder that can cause hyperthyroidism, or overactive thyroid.

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The A1C Test & Diabetes

diabetes  testing  patients  diagnosis  management  Diabetes Mellitus  Diagnostic Tests  Blood Glucose  Blood test  health professionals  general public  hemoglobin A1c  hemoglobin  prediabetes  blood sugar  glucose tolerance test  A1C  standards  At Risk  Assessment Tool 

Learn what the A1C test is, how it works and is used to diagnose and monitor type 2 diabetes and prediabetes, when it doesn’t work, and how A1C relates to eAG.

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Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease

diabetes  blood  patients  diagnosis  complications  anemia  red blood cells  Diagnostic Tests  Drug Therapy  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  vitamins  Blood test  dialysis  chronic kidney disease  general public  kidney failure  blood transfusion  hemoglobin  iron 

Overview of anemia in people with chronic kidney disease, a common complication in people with advanced kidney disease.

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IgA Nephropathy

symptoms  patients  hypertension  cholesterol  diagnosis  complications  autoimmune  high blood pressure  Diagnostic Tests  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  ACE  Hematuria  Kidney Diseases  high cholesterol  dialysis  chronic kidney disease  general public  kidney failure  kidney transplant 

Overview of IgA nephropathy, also known as Berger’s disease, an autoimmune disease that can damage your kidneys.

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Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease

symptoms  treatment  therapy  patients  kidney  tumors  transplantation  Diagnostic Tests  Kidney Disease  Kidney Diseases  Polycystic Kidney Disease  dialysis  general public  cyst  chronic kidney failure  Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease 

Explains the causes of acquired cystic kidney disease (ACKD), a common condition in people with kidney failure who are treated with dialysis.

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Upper GI Endoscopy

patients  stomach  Digestive Diseases  Diagnostic Tests  Small Intestine  Patient Education  Duodenum  Esophagus  Endoscopy  Gastrointestinal Tract  Ulcer  Endoscope  Upper GI Tract  GI Bleeding  general public  Upper GI Endoscopy  procedure  upper gastrointestinal endoscopy  esophagogastroduodenoscopy  EGD 

What to expect before, during, and after the upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy procedure and how it finds and treats problems in the upper GI tract.

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Prostate Tests

symptoms  patients  prostate  gland  PSA  biopsy  Diagnostic Tests  prostate cancer  BPH  DRE  Urodynamics  Urologic Diseases  Male  Prostatitis  Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia  Digital Rectal Exam  Prostate Specific Antigen  Urinalysis  Cytoscopy  Transrectal Ultrasound 

Learn about tests used to identify prostate problems, such as DRE, PSA test, prostate health index, and a transrectal ultrasound with prostate biopsy.

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