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Eating & Nutrition for Peritoneal Dialysis

sodium  patients  probiotics  Protein  Kidney Disease  eating plan  potassium  health professionals  kidney failure  calories  Phosphorus  peritoneal dialysis  dietician  Community Outreach  renal dietician  liquid foods  phosphate binders  vitamin and mineral supplements 

Overview of eating and nutrition for peritoneal dialysis, including what to eat and drink, and how to set dietary goals and calorie limits.

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Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

patients  Liver Disease  Bile Ducts  health professionals  hepatobiliary disease  Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis  PSC  biliary tract disease  biliary tree disease  biliary system disease 

Describes the definition, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and dietary suggestions for primary sclerosing cholangitis.

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gallstones  diabetes  patients  nutrition  Digestive Diseases  Abdominal pain  Bile Ducts  pancreatic cancer  health professionals  Pancreatitis  Digestive Diseases  acute pancreatitis  chronic pancreatitis  pancreatic duct 

Discusses causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of pancreatitis. Reviews treatment including eating, diet, and nutrition. Provides information on clinical trials.

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Diabetic Neuropathy

diabetes  patients  health professionals  Proximal neuropathy  Diabetic Neuropathies  nerve damage  diabetic neuropathy  Peripheral neuropathy  Focal neuropathy  Autonomic neuropathy 

Discusses causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of different types of diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage that is caused by diabetes.

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Kidney Failure

patients  Kidney Disease  health professionals  kidney failure 

Learn about preparing for and living with kidney failure, treatment choices—dialysis at home or in a center, kidney transplant, or conservative management.

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patients  Liver Disease  health professionals  liver damage  liver failure  Cirrhosis  cirrhosis diagnosis  cirrhosis symptoms  cirrhosis causes  cirrhosis treatment  liver scarring  cirrhosis complications  hepatic disease  liver fibrosis 

Overview of cirrhosis, a condition in which your liver is scarred and permanently damaged. Describes causes, symptoms, complications, diagnosis, and treatment.

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Bladder Control Problems (Urinary Incontinence)

patients  Urologic Diseases  Urge Incontinence  Urinary Incontinence  Bladder Control  health professionals  urine leaks  leaky bladder  stress incontinence  bladder control problems  UI  urine leakage  leaking pee  overactive bladder  urgency incontinence 

Learn about one of the most common bladder control problems, urinary incontinence, which is a condition that involves the accidental loss or leaking of urine.

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Biliary Atresia

patients  Liver Disease  health professionals  liver transplant  Biliary atresia  extrahepatic biliary atresia  isolated biliary atresia  perinatal biliary atresia  fetal biliary atresia  embryonic biliary atresia  biliary atresia diagnosis  biliary atresia diet  biliary atresia nutrition  Biliary atresia treatment  Kasai procedure 

Read about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of biliary atresia, a condition in infants in which bile ducts are scarred and blocked, leading to liver damage.

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Autoimmune Hepatitis

patients  fatigue  nausea  Abdominal pain  Liver Disease  Joint Pain  liver cancer  health professionals  liver transplant  liver failure  jaundice  Cirrhosis  liver biopsy  Autoimmune hepatitis  corticosteroids  autoimmune disease  poor appetite  prednisone  prednisolone  azathioprine 

Discusses symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of autoimmune hepatitis, a disease in which your immune system attacks the liver, causing inflammation and damage.

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