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Primary Hyperparathyroidism

research  symptoms  treatment  patients  surgery  Information Resources  Diagnostic Tests  Calcium  vitamin D  Endocrine Diseases  Parathyroid Hormone  Hyperparathyroidism  Parathyroid Gland  Primary Hyperparathyroidism 

Describes symptoms, causes, and treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism where one or more enlarged parathyroid gland secretes too much parathyroid hormone.

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Vitamin D: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

cancer  osteoporosis  diabetes  vitamin  hypertension  nutrition  bone  supplements  multiple sclerosis  dietary supplements  Calcium  osteomalacia  rickets  vitamin D  fortification  nutrient  glucose intolerance  5-dihydroxyvitamin D  5(OH)2D  calcitriol 

Find out what vitamin D is and what it does in your body, what foods provide it, and about vitamin D supplements.

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Mineral & Bone Disorder in Chronic Kidney Disease

patients  Calcium  Kidney Disease  dialysis  hemodialysis  chronic kidney disease  general public  kidney failure  kidney transplant  Phosphorus  peritoneal dialysis  calcitriol  Parathyroid Hormone  Hyperparathyroidism  mineral and bone disorder  CKD-MBD  renal osteodystrophy  PTH  HPT  parathyroidectomy 

Mineral and bone disorder in chronic kidney disease occurs when damaged kidneys and abnormal hormone levels cause blood calcium and phosphorus imbalances.

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Diabetes Insipidus

symptoms  pregnancy  patients  kidney  diagnosis  pituitary  dehydration  Diabetes Mellitus  Drug Therapy  Calcium  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  potassium  Urine  Kidney Diseases  Fluids  Drug Effects  general public  Hypothalamus  Vasopressin 

Learn about the different types of diabetes insipidus, their causes, and how they are diagnosed and treated.

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Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

dietary supplement  weight loss  Calcium  fact sheet  health professional  caffeine  chitosan  chromium  forskolin  conjugated linoleic acid  ephedra  fucoxanthin  green coffee  green tea  guar gum  hoodia  pyruvate  raspberry ketone  white kidney bean  yohimbe 

Summaries of research on the safety and efficacy of several of the most commonly used ingredients in weight-loss dietary supplements.

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Suplementos dietéticos para adelgazar: Hoja informativa para consumidores

dietary supplements  weight loss  Calcium  fact sheet  calcio  suplementos dieteticos  hoja informativa  consumidor  bitter orange  caffeine  chitosan  chromium  forskolin  ephedra  fucoxanthin  Garcinia cambogia  green coffee  green tea  hoodia  yohimbe 

Aprender sobre suplementos dietéticos para perder peso, lo que hacen, lo que hay dentro, cómo se los regulan, y si pueden ser perjudiciosos.

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Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss: Fact Sheet for Consumers

nutrition  dietary supplement  dietary supplements  weight loss  Calcium  fact sheet  consumer  bitter orange  caffeine  chitosan  chromium  forskolin  conjugated linoleic acid  ephedra  fucoxanthin  Garcinia cambogia  green coffee  green tea  guar gum  hoodia 

Learn about weight-loss dietary supplements, what they do, the ingredients in them, how they are regulated, and if they can be harmful.

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Calcium: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

osteoporosis  food  nutrition  dietary supplement  Calcium  Lactose Intolerance  vitamin D  fact sheet  minerals  RDA  bone health  hypercalcemia  hypocalcemia  health professional 

Recommended intakes and sources of calcium, effects of deficiency and excess, groups at risk of inadequacy, and interactions with medications.

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Calcium: Fact Sheet for Consumers

osteoporosis  food  vitamin  nutrition  bone  dietary supplement  Calcium  vitamin D  fact sheet  minerals  nutrient  consumer 

Find out what calcium is and what it does in your body, what foods provide it, and about calcium supplements.

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Lactose Intolerance

digestive system diseases  symptoms  milk  therapy  patients  nutrition  diet  Digestive Diseases  Diagnostic Tests  Diarrhea  Food Labeling  Lactase  Lactase Deficiency  Calcium  Ethnic Groups  Digestion  Lactose Intolerance  vitamin D  gas  health professionals 

Read about symptoms and management of lactose intolerance, a condition in which you have digestive symptoms after you consume foods or drinks that have lactose.

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