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Liver Cancer Treatment

cancer  treatment  liver 

Liver cancer treatment options include surveillance, surgery, liver transplant, ablation, embolization, targeted therapy, and radiation. Get comprehensive information about liver cancer and treatment options in this clinician summary.

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Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer

cancer  adults  adolescents 

Information about cancer in adolescents and young adults, including treatment, follow-up care, coping, and related research.

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Support for Teens When a Family Member Has Cancer

teens  cancer  family  support  member  has 

When a family member has cancer, whether it’s a parent or sibling, everyone in the family needs extra support.

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Understanding Adult Overweight & Obesity

cancer  asthma  treatment  diabetes  patients  obesity  medicines  culture  sleep  overweight  physical activity  genes  heart disease  high blood pressure  weight loss  Risk Factors  Infertility  healthy eating  BMI  obese 

Learn more about overweight and obesity among adults, including causes, related health risks, and treatments.

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Anemia of Inflammation or Chronic Disease

cancer  patients  inflammation  anemia  red blood cells  aging  Blood test  chronic kidney disease  hemoglobin  iron  CKD  Erythropoietin  autoimmune disease  ACD  EPO  IBD  erythropoiesis-stimulating agents  ESA  Blood Diseases 

Overview of anemia of inflammation, also called anemia of chronic disease, a type of anemia that affects people who have conditions that cause inflammation.

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Vitamin E: Fact Sheet for Consumers

cancer  vitamin  nutrition  dietary supplement  Radiation Therapy  antioxidant  Vitamin E  coronary heart disease  chemotheraphy  supplement  nutrient  cognitive decline  interactions  niacin  free radical  alpha-tocopherol  beta-tocopherol  gamma-tocopherol  delta-tocopherol  alpha-tocotrienol 

Find out what vitamin E is and what it does in your body, what foods provide it, and about vitamin E supplements.

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Vitamin E: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

cancer  vitamin  nutrition  dietary supplement  Radiation Therapy  antioxidant  Vitamin E  coronary heart disease  chemotheraphy  supplement  nutrient  cognitive decline  interactions  niacin  free radical  alpha-tocopherol  beta-tocopherol  gamma-tocopherol  delta-tocopherol  alpha-tocotrienol 

Find out what vitamin E is and what it does in your body, what foods provide it, and about vitamin E supplements.

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Vitamin D: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

cancer  osteoporosis  diabetes  vitamin  hypertension  nutrition  bone  supplements  multiple sclerosis  dietary supplements  Calcium  osteomalacia  rickets  vitamin D  fortification  nutrient  glucose intolerance  5-dihydroxyvitamin D  5(OH)2D  calcitriol 

Find out what vitamin D is and what it does in your body, what foods provide it, and about vitamin D supplements.

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