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Bladder Infection (Urinary Tract Infection—UTI) in Adults

prevention  symptoms  treatment  adults  antibiotics  therapy  diagnosis  Diagnostic Tests  Urologic Diseases  Urinary Tract Infection  Urinary Tract Infections  general public  cystitis  UTI  bladder infection  bladder infection symptoms  painful urination  bladder infection treatment  bladder infection diet 

An overview of bladder infection in adults, which is a type of urinary tract infection. Describes symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

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Urinary Tract Infection in Children

prevention  symptoms  children  causes  definition  treatments  bladder  clinical trials  Diagnostic Tests  Drug Therapy  Risk Factors  Urodynamics  Urologic Diseases  Urinary Tract  Urethra  Magnetic Resonance Imaging  CT Scan  Urinary Tract Infection  Ultrasound  Vesicoureteral Reflux 

Read about bladder infections, as well as pain and urgency with urination, in children. Learn about the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatments.

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Kidney Stones in Children

facts  prevention  food  symptoms  children  treatment  diabetes  causes  definition  eating  nutrition  diagnosis  diet  clinical trials  Diagnostic Tests  Urologic Diseases  CT Scan  Kidney Diseases  Kidney Stones  Calcium Oxalate 

Learn about the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of kidney stones in children as well as prevention strategies and treatment options.

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Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

prevention  treatment  therapy  complications  Etiology  Diagnostic Tests  Drug Therapy  Risk Factors  Physiology  Urologic Diseases  Erectile Dysfunction  Sexual Dysfunction  Penis  Penile Implant  Penile Erection Systems  general public  ED  impotence  ED symptoms  ED causes 

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition that prevents you from getting or keeping an erection firm enough for sex. Describes symptoms, causes, and treatment.

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Tea and Cancer Prevention

cancer  prevention  china  evidence  preventive  antioxidants  tea  strengths  limits  oolong  oxidation  polyphenols  white  catechin  black  green  4.27 

A fact sheet that summarizes the results of studies about tea and cancer prevention. Includes information about the ingredients of tea and safety considerations regarding tea consumption.

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Anal Cancer Prevention (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

cancer  prevention  health  version  professional  anal  cancer prevention  anal cancer 

Anal cancer prevention approaches include reducing anal human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and transmission, and vaccination against HPV. Get detailed information about risk factors and prevention approaches in this summary for clinicians.

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Surgery to Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

cancer  prevention  risk  reduce  breast  ovarian  surgery  reconstruction  mastectomy  BRCA1  BRCA2  prophylactic  subcutaneous  7.5  contralateral  oophorectomy  PTEN  TP53  ovary  risk-reducing 

A fact sheet that describes mastectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy, two surgeries that may be used to reduce breast cancer risk in women at very high risk, and nonsurgical options.

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Cruciferous Vegetables and Cancer Prevention

cancer  prevention  foods  vegetables  risk  nutrition  cruciferous  diet  4.31  arugula  bok choy  Brassica  broccoli  brussels sprouts  cabbage  carotenoids  cauliflower  collards  glucosinolates  greens 

A fact sheet that summarizes the results of studies about cruciferous vegetables and cancer. Includes a list of cruciferous vegetables and dietary recommendations.

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Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention

cancer  prevention  bones  foods  risk  vitamin  skin  nutrition  breast  colorectal  pancreatic  prostate  supplements  diet  Pancreas  Calcium  4.29  osteomalacia  rickets  sun 

A fact sheet that summarizes the results of studies on vitamin D and cancer prevention. It includes information about dietary recommendations for vitamin D.

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Antioxidants and Cancer Prevention

cancer  prevention  vitamin  fruit  vegetable  supplements  antioxidants  4.23  antioxidant  beta-carotene  lycopene  selenium  lutein  damage  radical 

A fact sheet about antioxidants, substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Free radical damage may lead to cancer.

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