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Women with Disabilities and Breast Cancer Screening | CDC Features

cancer  features  women  disabilities  CDC  screening  breast  breast cancer  CDC Features 

October is an important month for all women including women with disabilities. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and having a screening mammogram regularly is an important way to maintain good health.

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Valley Fever: Working Toward a Solution | CDC Features

fever  features  CDC  toward  valley  solution  coccidioidomycosis  CDC Features  valley fever 

Increasing public awareness about the fungal illness Coccidioidomycosis (Valley fever) brings key health leaders to Bakersfield, California.

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Families with Special Needs - CDC Features

features  needs  families  CDC  special 

Being informed, getting support, and taking care of yourself can help you and those you care for stay safe and healthy.

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ADHD: Keeping Track of Numbers | CDC Features

features  numbers  CDC  adhd  attention deficit hyperactivity disorder  CDC Features 

Learn more about ADHD and discover how CDC’s latest research helps us all understand how ADHD impacts children and families.

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Safe Transport in Emergencies | CDC Features

features  disabilities  CDC  transport  emergencies  CDC Features  emergency preparedness  national preparedness month  people with disabilities  sam’s story 

September is National Preparedness Month. Read one family’s story to find out how emergency preparedness can affect children with special health care needs.

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Prevent the Spread of Norovirus - Infographic | CDC Features

infographic  features  norovirus  outbreaks  prevent  CDC  food poisoning  vomiting  Diarrhea  CDC Features  washing hands  stomach cramps  norovirus illness  throwing up  stomach bug  acute gastroenteritis  Norowalk-like virus 

Norovirus spreads very easily and causes vomiting and diarrhea. There's no vaccine to prevent infection and no drug to treat it. Wash your hands often and follow simple tips to stay healthy.

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50th Anniversary Report on Smoking and Health | CDC Features

health  features  report  smoking  CDC  anniversary  cessation  th  stop smoking  quit smoking  CDC Features  Tobacco Use  surgeon general  50th Anniversary  Report on Smoking and Health 

Fifty years after the first report, the 2014 Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health reveals new details about the dangers of smoking as well as strategies to curtail the cigarette epidemic.

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Protect Your Daughters from Cervical Cancer | CDC Features

teens  cancer  features  vaccination  women  kids  vaccines  protect  immunization  CDC  preteens  HPV  daughters  cervical  girls  vaccinations  cervical cancer  cancer prevention  CDC Features  HPV vaccine 

Get HPV vaccine for your sons and daughters at ages 11-12 to protect them from HPV cancers including cervical cancer.

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Live Animal and Bird Markets | CDC Features

consumer  cook  food  safety  features  bird  salmonella  chill  prevent  CDC  healthy  animal  clean  markets  staying  germs  CDC Features  live animal  live bird  safe 

We have many choices for buying and preparing our food today. Follow these steps when shopping for, handling, and preparing your food from live animal and live bird markets.

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American Indians, Alaska Natives, and the Flu | CDC Features

flu  prevention  features  vaccination  family  community  alaska  protect  CDC  influenza  fall  healthy  american  indians  natives  complications  protection  CDC Features  flu vaccine  flu shot 

Vaccination against flu is especially important for American Indians and Alaska Natives, who have been found to be at higher risk for complications from the flu. Protect yourself and your community by getting a flu vaccine.

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