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Anti-GBM (Goodpasture’s) Disease

smoking  patients  kidney  autoimmune  Kidney Disease  antibodies  Hematuria  dialysis  Glomerulonephritis  Proteinuria  Glomeruli  corticosteroids  lungs  Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease  anti-GBM disease  Goodpastures disease  Goodpasture syndrome  glomerular basement membrane  coughing up blood  hydrocarbon solvents 

Overview of anti-GBM disease, a rare autoimmune disorder that affects the kidneys and lungs and can be fatal if not treated promptly.

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Head and Neck Cancers

tobacco  smoking  nasal  throat  oral  cancers  paranasal  salivary  neck  head  hypopharynx  larynx  nasopharynx  oropharynx  pharynx  sinuses  tongue  6.37 

A fact sheet about the risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, follow-up, and rehabilitation for cancers of the head and neck.

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Cigarette Smoking: Health Risks and How to Quit (PDQ®)–Patient Version

health  smoking  cigarette  quit  risks  patient  version  cancer prevention  smoking cessation intervention 

Cigarette smoking: Health Risks and How to Quit explains how never smoking and quitting result in decreased cancer and cancer deaths. Get detailed information about smoking risks and how to quit in this expert-reviewed summary.

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Cigarette Smoking: Health Risks and How to Quit (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

health  smoking  cigarette  quit  risks  version  professional  cancer prevention  smoking cessation intervention 

Cigarette smoking: Health Risks and How to Quit explains how smoking avoidance and cessation result in decreased incidence and mortality from cancer. Quit counseling and physician advice improve cessation rates. Get detailed information about smoking risks and quitting in this clinician summary.

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Where To Get Help When You Decide To Quit Smoking

nicotine  help  tobacco  smoking  quit  cessation  quitline  replacement  where  decide  smoker  10.23 

This fact sheet provides information about helpful resources for people who have decided to quit smoking.

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How To Handle Withdrawal Symptoms and Triggers When You Decide To Quit Smoking

nicotine  symptoms  anxiety  tobacco  smoking  nasal  quit  depression  decide  handle  withdrawal  triggers  symptom  gum  smoker  10.22  anger  bupropion  craving  inhaler 

This fact sheet provides helpful tips related to smoking cessation.

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Harms of Cigarette Smoking and Health Benefits of Quitting

nicotine  health  risk  tobacco  quitting  secondhand  smokeless  smoking  cigarette  hookah  benefits  quit  cessation  quitline  lung  cervical  leukemia  kidney  cigar  rectal 

A fact sheet that lists some of the cancer-causing chemicals in tobacco smoke and describes the health problems caused by cigarette smoking and the benefits of quitting.

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Secondhand Smoke and Cancer

cancer  asthma  risk  tobacco  secondhand  smoke  smoking  cessation  stroke  sids  environmental  involuntary  carcinogenesis  10.18  bronchitis  ETS  passive 

A fact sheet that summarizes the studies on the health effects of exposure to environmental (secondhand) tobacco smoke.

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Smokeless Tobacco and Cancer

chemicals  nicotine  cancer  risk  tobacco  smokeless  smoking  oral  lip  snuff  tongue  10.15  carcinogen  carcinogenesis  chewing  chew  nitrosamine  cheeck  gum  leukoplakia 

A fact sheet about the health risks associated with the use of smokeless tobacco.

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Cigar Smoking and Cancer

chemicals  nicotine  cancer  risk  tobacco  smoke  smoking  throat  lung  environmental  oral  mouth  cigar  pancreatic  esophageal  lip  laryngeal  Pancreas  Esophagus  larynx 

A fact sheet about the health risks associated with cigar smoking.

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