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Endocrine & Metabolic Diseases Statistics

osteoporosis  statistics  data  prevalence  patients  united states  obesity  endocrine  health professionals  Endocrine Diseases  Hypothyroidism  metabolic  cystic fibrosis  Community Outreach 

Find statistics and prevalence data on endocrine and metabolic-related diseases and conditions in U.S. populations.

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Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the US | CDC Features

antibiotics  united states  resistance  threats  antimicrobial resistance  drug resistance  antibiotic resistance  CDC Features  Antimicrobial  antibiotic threat  AR  AR Report 

Antibiotics are powerful tools for fighting illness and disease, but overuse of antibiotics has helped create bacteria that are outsmarting the drugs used to treat them.

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Malaria Cases in U.S. Hit 40-Year High | CDC Features

CDC  malaria  united states 

Increasing numbers of malaria cases reported in the U.S. serve as a reminder to travelers to countries with malaria: think ahead and take steps to protect yourself from this potentially fatal, but preventable disease.

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