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osteoporosis  patients  Infertility  pituitary tumor  headache  Erectile Dysfunction  osteoporosis  Endocrine Diseases  prolactin  prolactina  Disfunción eréctil  bone loss  Endocrine Diseases  Prolactinoma  adenoma  hyperprolactinemia  dopamine agonist  galactorrhea  breast discharge  gynecomastia 

Overview of prolactinoma, a disorder in which a noncancerous tumor of the pituitary gland produces too much of the hormone prolactin.

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Common Colds: Protect Yourself and Others | CDC Features

prevention  cough  treatment  protect  CDC  antibiotics  infection  common  cold  common cold  headache  CDC Features  runny nose  sore throat  winter cold  respiratory virus  rhinovirus  cold symptoms  sneezing  body ache 

Sore throat and runny nose are usually the first signs of a cold, followed by coughing and sneezing. Most people recover in 7-10 days or so. You can help reduce your risk of getting a cold by washing your hands often and avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.

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