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Upper GI Endoscopy

patients  stomach  Digestive Diseases  Diagnostic Tests  Small Intestine  Patient Education  Duodenum  Esophagus  Endoscopy  Gastrointestinal Tract  Ulcer  Endoscope  Upper GI Tract  GI Bleeding  general public  Upper GI Endoscopy  procedure  upper gastrointestinal endoscopy  esophagogastroduodenoscopy  EGD 

What to expect before, during, and after the upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy procedure and how it finds and treats problems in the upper GI tract.

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Your Digestive System & How it Works

gallbladder  bacteria  patients  APPENDIX  mouth  stomach  liver  microbiome  Digestive Diseases  Rectum  Anus  Small Intestine  Pancreas  Esophagus  Digestion  GI Tract  Gastrointestinal Tract  Large Intestine  nutrients  health professionals 

Overview of the digestive system—how food moves through each part of the GI tract to help break down food for energy, growth, and cell repair.

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Barrett’s Esophagus

tissue  Digestive Diseases  Esophageal cancer  Barretts esophagus  Esophagus  general public  GERD  Acid reflux  barretts 

Overview of Barrett’s esophagus, including the causes and association with GERD, as well as symptoms, treatments, complications, diet, and self-care.

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Helicobacter pylori and Cancer

cancer  bacteria  lymphoma  pancreatic  stomach  gastric  helicobacter  pylori  Esophagus  Ulcer  3.84  h. pylori  MALT  peptic  PUD  ATBC  CagA 

A fact sheet about the relationship between H. pylori infection and gastric cancer, gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma, and other cancers.

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Photodynamic Therapy for Cancer

cancer  treatment  therapy  lung  photodynamic  Esophagus  laser  photofrin  PDT  7.7  ECP  photopheresis 

A fact sheet that explains photodynamic therapy, how it is administered, and indications and side effects of treatment.

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Lasers in Cancer Treatment

cancer  treatment  therapy  colon  stomach  endometrial  photodynamic  lasers  Esophagus  laser  LITT  7.8 

A fact sheet that describes use of high-intensity light in cancer treatment, its advantages and disadvantages, and types of procedures that use it.

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Cigar Smoking and Cancer

chemicals  nicotine  cancer  risk  tobacco  smoke  smoking  throat  lung  environmental  oral  mouth  cigar  pancreatic  esophageal  lip  laryngeal  Pancreas  Esophagus  larynx 

A fact sheet about the health risks associated with cigar smoking.

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