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Síndrome del intestino irritable

colon  colonoscopia  salud de la mujer  dolor abdominal  Síndrome del intestino irritable  calambres  inflamación  diarrea  constipación  intestino grueso  intolerancia a la lactosa 

Aprende sobre el síndrome del intestino irritable en la Oficina para la Salud de la Mujer.

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digestive system diseases  screening  patients  colon  Digestive Diseases  Rectum  Diagnostic Tests  Abdominal pain  Large Intestine  Colonoscopy  Laxative  Rectal Bleeding  Colonoscope  Polyp  Colon Cancer  Bowel Prep  general public  colon polyps test  colorectal polyps test  colon cancer test 

Learn why doctors perform colonoscopies, what it can show, how you prepare for it, what to expect during and after colonoscopy, and the risks of colonoscopy.

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Perjuicios por fumar cigarrillos y beneficios para la salud al dejar el hábito

colon  Servicios  riesgo  10.19s  apoyo  dejar  fumar  pulmón  recursos  tabaco  ambiental  cancerígeno  humo  hígado  recto  pulm??n  cancergeno  h??gado  Hgado  pulmn 

Hoja informativa que contiene una lista de algunas de las sustancias del humo de tabaco que causan cáncer y describe los problemas de salud causados por fumar y los beneficios de dejar el hábito.

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Menopausal Hormone Therapy and Cancer

cancer  risk  therapy  breast  ovarian  colon  endometrial  menopausal  hormone  menopause  HRT  3.76  WHI  hormonal 

A fact sheet about the results of research on menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). Includes information about the effect of MHT on the body and benefits and risks of using menopausal hormones.

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Lasers in Cancer Treatment

cancer  treatment  therapy  colon  stomach  endometrial  photodynamic  lasers  Esophagus  laser  LITT  7.8 

A fact sheet that describes use of high-intensity light in cancer treatment, its advantages and disadvantages, and types of procedures that use it.

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Tests to Detect Colorectal Cancer and Polyps

cancer  blood  screening  detect  colorectal  colon  occult  tests  polyps  fit  Colonoscopy  detection  enema  FOBT  virtual  Cologuard  barium  DCBE  fecal  sigmoidoscopy 

A fact sheet that discusses the advantages and disadvantages of several colorectal cancer screening tests.

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Colon Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)–Patient Version

cancer  treatment  patient  version  colon  Colon Cancer 

Colon cancer treatments can include surgery, radiofrequency ablation, cryosurgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy. Learn more about the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of colon cancer in this expert-reviewed summary.

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Colon Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

cancer  health  treatment  version  professional  colon  Colon Cancer 

Colon cancer treatment often involves open surgical resection as the primary treatment for localized disease. Other modalities include chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy, and local ablation. Get detailed information about colon cancer treatment in this summary for clinicians.

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Harms of Cigarette Smoking and Health Benefits of Quitting

nicotine  health  risk  tobacco  quitting  secondhand  smokeless  smoking  cigarette  hookah  benefits  quit  cessation  quitline  lung  cervical  leukemia  kidney  cigar  rectal 

A fact sheet that lists some of the cancer-causing chemicals in tobacco smoke and describes the health problems caused by cigarette smoking and the benefits of quitting.

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March Is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

cancer  march  awareness  CDC  national  feature  screening  month  colorectal  overview  colon  tests 

Colorectal cancer screening saves lives. If you're 50 years old or older, talk to your doctor about getting screened.

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