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Announcements: Recommendation Regarding Promoting HealthEquity Through Full-Day Kindergarten - Community PreventiveServices Task Force

community  announcements  recommendation  regarding  preventiveservices  task  force  promoting  healthequity  fullday  kindergarten 

The Community Preventive Services Task Force recently posted new information on its website: "Promoting Health Equity Through Education Programs and Policies: Full-Day Kindergarten Programs." The information is available at http://www.thecommunityguide.

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Announcements: Epidemic Intelligence Service ApplicationDeadline - August 15, 2014

august  service  announcements  epidemic  intelligence  applicationdeadline 

Applications are being accepted for CDC's July 2015–June 2017 Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) program. EIS is a 2-year, postgraduate program of service and on-the-job training for health professionals interested in the practice of epidemiology. Each year, EIS selects approximately 80 persons from applicants around the world and provides them with opportunities to gain hands-on experience in epidemiology at CDC or at state or local health departments.

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West Nile Virus and Other Arboviral Diseases - UnitedStates, 2013

virus  unitedstates  diseases  west  nile  arboviral 

Nicole P. Lindsey, MS1, Jennifer A. Lehman1, J.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Tackling the Tobacco and Obesity Epidemics - CDC

prevention  disease  role  chronic  tobacco  CDC  partnerships  obesity  publicprivate  tackling  epidemics  chronic disease  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Community Health Planning 

In response to the illness and death caused by preventable chronic diseases, the US Department of Health and Human Services created Communities Putting Prevention to Work to support community efforts in tackling tobacco use and obesity through policy, systems, and environmental change. As part of this program, 10 national nonprofit organizations with prevention expertise were funded and matched with specific community objectives. Most tobacco and obesity-related matched objectives were successfully accomplished by communities. Public–private partnerships should be considered when addressing chronic disease prevention.

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Put Vaccination on Your Back-to-School List | CDC Features

teens  features  vaccination  women  summer  kids  vaccines  immunization  CDC  preteens  HPV  girls  vaccinations  too  cervical cancer  cancer prevention  anal cancer  CDC Features  HPV vaccine  human papillomavirus 

Beat the back-to-school rush! Make an appointment for vaccinations before the back-to-school rush begins at the doctor's office.

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Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease | CDC Features

fever  features  children  infants  disease  CDC  hand  foot  mouth  CDC Features  rash  and Mouth Disease  HFMD  hand washing; good hygiene  symptoms of HFMD; foot-and-mouth disease; hoof-and-mouth disease; contagious viral illness; travel disease; HFMD in US; HFMD in China; contagious  blisters  mouth sores 

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is common in infants and young children. It usually causes fever, painful sores in the mouth, and a rash on the hands and feet. Most infected people recover in a week or two. Wash your hands often and practice good hygiene to reduce your risk of infection.

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Cancer and Men Feature

cancer  features  CDC  men  overview  skin cancer  Colorectal Cancer  Colon Cancer  prostate cancer  Lung cancer  HPV vaccine 

Every year, cancer claims the lives of nearly 300,000 men in the United States. Men can lower their risk for some of the most common kinds of cancer.

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Stay Healthy During the World Cup in Brazil | CDC Features

features  CDC  world  during  stay  cup  brazil 

If you plan to travel to Brazil for the 2014 World Cup, follow these recommendations to stay safe and healthy.

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