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Continuous Glucose Monitoring

children  diabetes  adult  patients  smartphone  type 2 diabetes  Blood Glucose  Type 1 Diabetes  glycemic control  insulin  blood sugar  hypoglycemia  insulin pump  low blood glucose  hyperglycemia  Continuous glucose monitoring system  CGM  glucose testing  glucose sensor  high blood glucose 

Learn how continuous glucose monitors work, the different types of CGM devices, and how they help people with diabetes keep glucose levels in a healthy range.

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Announcements: Smartphone Application Available forPreventing Group B Streptococcus Infections

infections  group  announcements  smartphone  application  available  forpreventing  streptococcus 

Despite more than a decade of prevention efforts and updated prevention guidelines published in 2010, group B Streptococcus (GBS) remains the leading cause of early onset neonatal sepsis in the United States (1). A free smartphone application, Prevent Group B Strep, is available from CDC to improve maternal and neonatal management of GBS disease prevention at the point-of-care.

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Announcement: Smartphone Application Available for ExtensionLadder Safety

safety  announcement  smartphone  application  available  extensionladder 

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