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Progress Toward Polio Eradication - Worldwide,2013-2014

progress  eradication  toward  worldwide  polio 

Edna K. Moturi, MBChB1, Kimberly A. Porter, PhD2, Steven G.

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Announcements: National Stroke Awareness Month - May2014

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May is National Stroke Awareness Month. Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States (1). National Stroke Awareness Month aims to save lives by increasing awareness and educating the public about cardiovascular health.

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Announcements: Recommendations Regarding Tobacco Use andSecondhand Smoke Exposure - Community Preventive Services TaskForce

community  recommendations  tobacco  services  smoke  announcements  exposure  regarding  andsecondhand  preventive  taskforce 

The Community Preventive Services Task Force recently posted new information regarding two recommendations: 1) "Reducing Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure: Interventions to Increase the Unit Price for Tobacco Products," available at http://www.thecommunityguide.org/tobacco/increasingunitprice.

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World No Tobacco Day - May 31, 2014

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The global tobacco epidemic contributed to 100 million deaths worldwide during the 20th century and continues to kill nearly 6 million persons each year, including approximately 600,000 from secondhand smoke. If current trends persist, an estimated 500 million persons alive today will die from the use of tobacco products. By 2030, tobacco use will result in approximately 8 million deaths worldwide each year.

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Cigarette Prices and Smoking Prevalence After a Tobacco TaxIncrease - Turkey, 2008 and 2012

turkey  tobacco  smoking  cigarette  prevalence  prices  taxincrease 

Deliana Kostova, PhD1, Linda Andes, PhD1, Toker Erguder, MD2, Ayda Yurekli, PhD2, Bekir Keskink?l?ç, MD3, Sertaç Polat, MD3, Gönül Çulha, MD3, Evin Aras Kilinç, MD3, Enver Ta?t?, MS4, Y?lmaz Er?ahin, MS4, Mehmet Özmen, MS4, Ramazan San, MS4, Hilal Özcebe, MD, PhD5, Nazmi Bilir, MD, PhD5, Samira Asma, DDS1 (Author affiliations at end of text).

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Learn the ABCs of Hepatitis | CDC Features

viral  features  vaccination  vaccine  hepatitis  CDC  hepatitis b  abcs  hepatitis c  Liver Disease  CDC Features  chronic Hepatitis B  viral hepatitis  liver cancer  Hepatitis A  risk assessment  Hepatitis Awareness Month  Hepatitis Testing Day  testing recommendations 

For Hepatitis Awareness Month and national Hepatitis Testing Day on May 19th, learn more about the different types of viral hepatitis. Find out if you should get tested or vaccinated by taking a quick, online Hepatitis Risk Assessment.

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Protect Youth From Tobacco Marketing | CDC Features

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Several actions have been taken to reduce tobacco use. Learn how you can help eliminate smoking as the leading preventable cause of disease and death in the world and save lives.

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Arthritis increases chance of falls | CDC Features

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Adults with arthritis are more likely to fall and suffer a fall injury than adults without arthritis. Falls are preventable; learn more about reducing your risk of falling.

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Americans Are Walking More to Improve Their Health | CDC Features

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Improve your health by increasing your physical activity. Start with walking more as part of your daily routine

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