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Sharing Scientific Data

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Sharing scientific data accelerates biomedical research discovery, enhances research rigor and reproducibility, provides accessibility to high-value datasets, and promotes data reuse for future research studies. Under the NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy, investigators are empowered to choose the most appropriate methods for sharing scientific data. Learn more about methods for data sharing and selecting data repositories.

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Data Management

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Proper data management is crucial for maintaining scientific rigor and research integrity. Learn about best practices for scientific data management.

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Budgeting for Data Management & Sharing

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Find out what data sharing related costs may be requested in an application for funding.

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Writing a Data Management & Sharing Plan

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Learn what NIH expects Data Management & Sharing plans to address.

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Planning and Budgeting for Data Management & Sharing

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NIH expects applicants to submit a plan for how they will manage and share their data and allows applicants to include certain costs associated with data management and sharing in their budget.

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Data Management and Sharing Policy

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NIH has a longstanding commitment to making the results of NIH-funded funded research available. Responsible data management and sharing has many benefits, including accelerating the pace of biomedical research, enabling validation of research results, and providing accessibility to high-value datasets.

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Endocrine & Metabolic Diseases Statistics

osteoporosis  statistics  data  prevalence  patients  united states  obesity  endocrine  health professionals  Endocrine Diseases  Hypothyroidism  metabolic  cystic fibrosis  Community Outreach 

Find statistics and prevalence data on endocrine and metabolic-related diseases and conditions in U.S. populations.

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Tourette Syndrome Data | CDC Features

data  syndrome  tourette  CDC Features  Tourette Syndrome  tics 

Learn about new tourette syndrome findings and what it means.

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New CDC Data on Foodborne Disease Outbreaks | CDC Features

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Outbreaks provide important insights into how germs spread, which food and germ combinations cause illnesses, and how to prevent infections. Public health and industry use outbreak data to create information on prevention, education, and policy.

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