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Hormone Therapy for Breast Cancer

cancer  side effects  therapy  breast  ovarian  endocrine  hormone  adjuvant  neoadjuvant  ablation  inhibitor  hormonal  fulvestrant  7.51  anastrozole  anti  antidepressants  antiestrogen  aromatase  estrogen 

A fact sheet that describes types of hormone therapy, its role in preventing and treating breast cancer, and possible side effects.

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Common Moles, Dysplastic Nevi, and Risk of Melanoma

risk  skin  atypical  melanoma  moles  dysplastic  nevi  sunlight  3.99  ABCDE  melanocytes  nevus  sunburn  sunlamps  tanning booths  ultraviolet 

A fact sheet about moles and how some moles may be related to melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer. Includes photos of differences between moles and cancer.

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BRCA Mutations: Cancer Risk and Genetic Testing

cancer  risk  testing  hereditary  breast  genetics  genetic  BRCA1  BRCA2  gene  Ashkenazi  Jews  3.62  jewish  prophylactic mastectomy  PALB2 

A fact sheet about the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, what to do if a person tests positive for alterations in one of these genes, and consequences of genetic testing.

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Helicobacter pylori and Cancer

cancer  bacteria  lymphoma  pancreatic  stomach  gastric  helicobacter  pylori  Esophagus  Ulcer  3.84  h. pylori  MALT  peptic  PUD  ATBC  CagA 

A fact sheet about the relationship between H. pylori infection and gastric cancer, gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma, and other cancers.

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Formaldehyde and Cancer Risk

chemicals  cancer  formaldehyde  risk  environmental  carcinogenesis  EPA  occupation  OSHA  3.8  IARC 

A fact sheet that discusses formaldehyde and its possible association with cancer. Includes resources for more information.

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Asbestos Exposure and Cancer Risk

cancer  risk  exposure  lung  mesothelioma  asbestos  Risk Factors  carcinogenesis  environmental exposures  Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)  3.21  Smoking/Tobacco Use  Tobacco Use/Smoking 

A fact sheet about asbestos, asbestos-related diseases, and who to contact for more information.

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Radon and Cancer

cancer  risk  lung  environmental  radon  3.52 

A fact sheet about radon, an odorless radioactive gas, and its possible association with cancer, and how to test for radon in the home.

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Fluoridated Water

risk  drinking  water  fluoridated  fluoride  floride  flouride  3.15 

A fact sheet that reviews research about the possibility of a connection between fluoridated water and cancer.

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Photodynamic Therapy for Cancer

cancer  treatment  therapy  lung  photodynamic  Esophagus  laser  photofrin  PDT  7.7  ECP  photopheresis 

A fact sheet that explains photodynamic therapy, how it is administered, and indications and side effects of treatment.

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Menopausal Hormone Therapy and Cancer

cancer  risk  therapy  breast  ovarian  colon  endometrial  menopausal  hormone  menopause  HRT  3.76  WHI  hormonal 

A fact sheet about the results of research on menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). Includes information about the effect of MHT on the body and benefits and risks of using menopausal hormones.

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