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Routine HIV Screening in Two Health-Care Settings - New YorkCity and New Orleans, 2011-2013

HIV  two  healthcare  routine  screening  settings  yorkcity  orleans 

Xia Lin, PhD1,2, Patricia M. Dietz, DrPH2, Vanessa Rodriguez3, Deborah Lester3, Paloma Hernandez, MPH3, Lisa Moreno-Walton, MD4, Grant Johnson, MPH4, Michelle M. Van Handel, MPH2, Jacek Skarbinski, MD2, Christine L.

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Healthcare Workers: Protect Yourselves! - CDC Features

features  protect  CDC  healthcare  workers  yourselves 

If you’re a healthcare worker, you can be exposed to vaccine-preventable diseases. Learn which vaccines you need to reduce your chance of getting sick. Vaccines can protect you, your coworkers and family.

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Infection Control Within Healthcare Settings When Caring for Confirmed Cases, Probable Cases, and Cases Under Investigation for Infection with Novel Influenza A Viruses Associated with Severe Disease

disease  viruses  control  influenza  healthcare  associated  infection  settings  within  confirmed  cases  investigation 

Interim Guidance for Infection Control Within Healthcare Settings When Caring for Patients with Confirmed, Probable, or Cases Under Investigation of Avian Influenza A(H7N9) Virus Infection - CDC

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Health-Care Provider Screening for Tobacco Smoking andAdvice to Quit - 17 Countries, 2008-2011

tobacco  smoking  healthcare  countries  provider  screening  andadvice  quit 

Persons using assistive technology might not be able to fully access information in this file. For assistance, please send e-mail to: mmwrq@cdc.gov.

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HPV Vaccine Resources for Healthcare Professionals –You Are the Key – Vaccines

resources  vaccine  vaccines  HPV  healthcare  professionals 

HPV Vaccine Resources for Healthcare Professionals.

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