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Kidney Biopsy

treatment  patients  diagnosis  complications  biopsy  Postoperative Care  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  Urologic Diseases  Hematuria  Kidney Diseases  Preoperative Care  Proteinuria  kidney biopsy  renal biopsy  kidney tissue sample  kidney disease diagnosis  percutaneous kidney biopsy  PRB  laparoscopic kidney biopsy 

Learn about a kidney biopsy, a procedure in which a health care professional takes small pieces of tissue from your kidney to look for signs of damage or disease.

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Renal Tubular Acidosis

HIV  HIVAIDS  patients  acid  kidney  complications  citrate  fatigue  lupus  autoimmune  muscle weakness  Abdominal pain  Kidney Disease  potassium  rickets  adrenal  Urine  Kidney Diseases  Kidney Stones  Urinary Tract Infections 

Learn about the different types of renal tubular acidosis (RTA), their causes, how RTA is diagnosed, and how it is treated.

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Solitary or Single-functioning Kidney

congenital  patients  surgery  Kidney Disease  blood pressure  Kidney Diseases  Kidneys  injury prevention  Birth Defects  chronic kidney disease  general public  kidney failure  kidney transplant  kidney damage  Albuminuria  Kidney Dysplasia  Surgical Removal  Ectopic Kidney  Nephrectomy  Kidney Donation 

Monitor and control your solitary kidney function with urine and blood tests, imaging, blood pressure control, diet, and injury prevention.

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Nephrotic Syndrome in Adults

symptoms  treatment  patients  cholesterol  medications  diet  Protein  Kidney Disease  Urine  Kidney Diseases  Kidneys  general public  hyperlipidemia  swelling  Nephrotic Syndrome  Edema  Proteinuria  Diagnostic Test  Glomeruli  Hypoalbuminia 

Overview of nephrotic syndrome, a set of conditions that can develop when the kidneys are not working properly.

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Medullary Sponge Kidney

symptoms  patients  diagnosis  Drug Therapy  Kidney Disease  Kidney Diseases  Kidney Stones  Lithotripsy  Urinary Tract Infections  Intravenous Pyelogram  general public  Cystic Disease  Medullary Sponge Kidney 

Complications, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of medullary sponge kidney, a birth defect inside a fetus' kidneys.

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IgA Nephropathy

symptoms  patients  hypertension  cholesterol  diagnosis  complications  autoimmune  high blood pressure  Diagnostic Tests  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  ACE  Hematuria  Kidney Diseases  high cholesterol  dialysis  chronic kidney disease  general public  kidney failure  kidney transplant 

Overview of IgA nephropathy, also known as Berger’s disease, an autoimmune disease that can damage your kidneys.

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Diabetes Insipidus

symptoms  pregnancy  patients  kidney  diagnosis  pituitary  dehydration  Diabetes Mellitus  Drug Therapy  Calcium  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  potassium  Urine  Kidney Diseases  Fluids  Drug Effects  general public  Hypothalamus  Vasopressin 

Learn about the different types of diabetes insipidus, their causes, and how they are diagnosed and treated.

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Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease

symptoms  treatment  therapy  patients  kidney  tumors  transplantation  Diagnostic Tests  Kidney Disease  Kidney Diseases  Polycystic Kidney Disease  dialysis  general public  cyst  chronic kidney failure  Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease 

Explains the causes of acquired cystic kidney disease (ACKD), a common condition in people with kidney failure who are treated with dialysis.

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Simple Kidney Cysts

symptoms  treatment  patients  kidney  bladder  ureter  surgery  Diagnostic Tests  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  Magnetic Resonance Imaging  CT Scan  Kidney Diseases  Ultrasound  Cysts  Polycystic Kidney Disease  Sclerotherapy  general public  Simple Kidney Cysts  simple kidney cysts definition 

Simple kidney cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can form in one or both of your kidneys. Simple kidney cysts are usually harmless and don’t cause symptoms.

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Kidney Stones in Children

facts  prevention  food  symptoms  children  treatment  diabetes  causes  definition  eating  nutrition  diagnosis  diet  clinical trials  Diagnostic Tests  Urologic Diseases  CT Scan  Kidney Diseases  Kidney Stones  Calcium Oxalate 

Learn about the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of kidney stones in children as well as prevention strategies and treatment options.

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