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Renal Tubular Acidosis

HIV  HIVAIDS  patients  acid  kidney  complications  citrate  fatigue  lupus  autoimmune  muscle weakness  Abdominal pain  Kidney Disease  potassium  rickets  adrenal  Urine  Kidney Diseases  Kidney Stones  Urinary Tract Infections 

Learn about the different types of renal tubular acidosis (RTA), their causes, how RTA is diagnosed, and how it is treated.

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Anti-GBM (Goodpasture’s) Disease

smoking  patients  kidney  autoimmune  Kidney Disease  antibodies  Hematuria  dialysis  Glomerulonephritis  Proteinuria  Glomeruli  corticosteroids  lungs  Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease  anti-GBM disease  Goodpastures disease  Goodpasture syndrome  glomerular basement membrane  coughing up blood  hydrocarbon solvents 

Overview of anti-GBM disease, a rare autoimmune disorder that affects the kidneys and lungs and can be fatal if not treated promptly.

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IgA Nephropathy

symptoms  patients  hypertension  cholesterol  diagnosis  complications  autoimmune  high blood pressure  Diagnostic Tests  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  ACE  Hematuria  Kidney Diseases  high cholesterol  dialysis  chronic kidney disease  general public  kidney failure  kidney transplant 

Overview of IgA nephropathy, also known as Berger’s disease, an autoimmune disease that can damage your kidneys.

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