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Key Components in State Anti-Bullying Laws

state  bullying  laws  antibullying  components  stop bullying  state anti bullying laws  state anti bullying policies 

Creating or improving anti-bullying laws or policies in your state? Consider these eleven key components. Visit StopBullying.gov for more information.

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Federal Laws

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Being bullied for your race, ethnicity, sex or disability may be grounds for a civil rights violation. Find out more at StopBullying.gov.

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Report Cyberbullying

report  bullying  cyberbullying  stop bullying  report cyberbullying  cyber bullying how to stop it 

Steps to take for documenting and reporting cyberbullying.

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Considerations for Specific Groups

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Children perceived as 'different' are at higher risk for bullying.

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Prevent Cyberbullying

prevent  bullying  cyberbullying  stop bullying  prevent cyberbullying  how can we stop cyber bullying  how to prevent cyber bullying 

Learn about safe ways for parents and kids to use technology.

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Bullying and Youth with Disabilities and Special Health Needs

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Kids with disabilities or with special health needs may be at higher risk of being bullied. Find strategies to help at StopBullying.gov.

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Bullying and LGBT Youth

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Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered (LGBT) youth and those perceived as LGBT are at an increased risk of being bullied. Find strategies to help at StopBullying.gov.

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Who is at Risk

who  risk  bullying  stop bullying  risk factors bullying  warning signs bullying  risk groups bullying 

Learn what factors increase the risk of children being bullied or children more likely to bully others and what warning signs can indicate that bullying may be happening. Visit StopBullying.gov.

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Effects of Bullying

effects  bullying  stop bullying  what are the signs of bullying  recognizing signs bullying  danger signs of bullying 

Bullying can negatively impact mental health and well-being.

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