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Table of Page Limits

nih  forms  page limits 

The page limits for most forms sections are listed below, organized by Activity Code.

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About the Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Diseases Program

program  diseases  therapeutics  nhgri 

"The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Diseases (TRND) program is part of a congressionally funded effort to encourage and speed the development of new drugs for rare and neglected diseases. The federal budget for fiscal 2009 dedicated $24 million to establish this initiative.

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From the Blueprint to You

blueprint  nhgri 

Created in April 2003 for 50 years of DNA: A Celebration of the Genome, From the Blueprint to You explores the world of genetics, DNA, the Human Genome Project, the ethical, legal and social implications of genetic research and the future of genomics.

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Online Education Kit: Understanding the Human Genome Project

education  online  project  human  understanding  kit  genome  nhgri 

Includes a history and descriptions of the Human Genome Project including a timeline, how to sequence a genome, bioinformatics, genes variation and human history and more.

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Writing Your Application

application  nih 


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Developing Your Budget

nih  Budget 

As you begin to develop a budget for your research grant application and put all of the relevant costs down on paper, many questions may arise. Your best resources for answering these questions are the grants or sponsored programs office within your own institution, your departmental administrative officials, and your peers. They can answer questions such as:.

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Peer Review Process

nih  peer review 

"To maintain our edge . . .

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How to Apply for an NIH Grant.

nih  grants  how to  apply  grant 

As you plan to write and submit an NIH application, it is important to know some important submission basics, such as what type of application will be needed (paper or electronic) and which forms are necessary, as well as links to contacts, important deadlines, a general timeline, and guidelines for tracking your application through the process. The following resources provide details on each of these elements:

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Standard Due Dates for Competing Applications

funding  nih  grants 

NIH Grants Application Due Dates.

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Tratamiento de las neoplasias de células plasmáticas (incluso mieloma múltiple) (PDQ®)–Versión para profesionales de salud

multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms 

Resumen de información revisada por expertos acerca del tratamiento de las neoplasias de células plasmáticas (incluso mieloma múltiple).

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