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Autoimmune Hepatitis

patients  fatigue  nausea  Abdominal pain  Liver Disease  Joint Pain  liver cancer  health professionals  liver transplant  liver failure  jaundice  Cirrhosis  liver biopsy  Autoimmune hepatitis  corticosteroids  autoimmune disease  poor appetite  prednisone  prednisolone  azathioprine 

Discusses symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of autoimmune hepatitis, a disease in which your immune system attacks the liver, causing inflammation and damage.

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Nausea and Vomiting Related to Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)–Patient Version

patient  version  nausea  vomiting  nausea and vomiting 

Nausea and vomiting related to cancer treatment (or to the cancer itself) can be a serious problem, but medication and other approaches can help. Learn more about the types of nausea and vomiting, medicines, and other treatments in this expert-reviewed summary.

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Treatment-Related Nausea and Vomiting (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

health  version  professional  nausea  vomiting  nausea and vomiting 

Treatment-related nausea and vomiting (acute, delayed, anticipatory, breakthrough, refractory, and chronic) are of paramount concern in cancer care. Get detailed information about prevention and treatment approaches for treatment-related nausea and vomiting in this summary for clinicians.

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