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Cardiogenic Shock - Diagnosis

cardiac shock 

Your doctor will check your medical history, perform a physical exam, and do tests and procedures to diagnose cardiogenic shock. Tests are usually done after you have been admitted to a hospital for a possible heart attack or symptoms of shock. If the reason for the shock is that the heart is not pumping strongly enough, then the diagnosis is cardiogenic shock.

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Pleural Disorders - Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

empyema  hemothorax  pleural effusion  pneumothorax 

Pleural disorders may occur with no symptoms, or they may have obvious symptoms. Signs, symptoms, and complications vary depending on the pleural disorder and how severe it is.

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Respiratory Distress Syndrome - Causes

lung diseases  RDS  neonatal respiratory distress  bronchopulmonary dysplasia  oxygen therapy 

RDS is a type of neonatal respiratory disease that is caused most often by a lack of surfactant in the lungs. A fetus's lungs start making surfactant during the third trimester of pregnancy, or weeks 26 through labor and delivery. Surfactant coats the insides of the air sacs, or alveoli, in the lungs. This helps keep the lungs open so breathing can occur after birth.

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Trastornos hemorrágicos - Diagnóstico

hemophilia  coagulación 

Es posible que su médico pueda diagnosticar su trastorno hemorrágico, su gravedad y si es heredado o adquirido en función de sus signos y síntomas, factores de riesgo, historia médica y familiar, un examen físico y análisis de sangre.

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Heart-Healthy Living - Get Your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Checked

Two of the major risk factors for heart disease are high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol. If either of these numbers is high, work with your doctor to get it to a healthy range.

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Respiratory Failure – Diagnosis

Respiratory failure  acute respiratory failure  chronic respiratory failure  hypoxemic respiratory failure  hypercapnic respiratory failure  ventilator  CPAP  Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) 

Your doctor will check your medical history, perform a physical exam, and do tests and procedures to diagnose respiratory failure.

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Vida saludable para el corazón - Maneje el estrés

La investigación sugiere que un evento perturbador en el área emocional, particularmente uno que involucre ira, puede servir como desencadenante de un ataque cardíaco o angina de pecho en algunas personas. El estrés puede contribuir a la presión arterial alta y otros factores de riesgo de enfermedad cardíaca. Algunas de las formas en que las personas enfrentan el estrés (beber alcohol, usar otras sustancias, fumar o comer en exceso) no son maneras saludables de controlarlo.

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