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Sarcoidosis - Diagnosis

inflammation  sarcoidosis  granuloma 

Your doctor will diagnose sarcoidosis based on your symptoms, a physical exam, imaging tests, or a biopsy of an affected organ. The doctor will also do tests to rule out other diseases that have similar signs and symptoms.

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Trastornos hemorrágicos - Causas


Sus genes u otras causas, como afecciones médicas o medicinas, pueden causar trastornos hemorrágicos. Algunas veces, es posible que se desconozca la causa. Cualquier problema que afecte la función o el número de factores de coagulación o plaquetas puede generar un trastorno hemorrágico.

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Angina - Risk Factors

heart  chest pain  blood flow  stable angina  unstable angina  microvascular angina  variant angina 

You may have an increased risk for angina because of your age, environment or occupation, family history and genetics, lifestyle, other medical conditions, race, or sex.

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Atrial Fibrillation - Types

a-fib  AF 

Atrial fibrillation is a type of arrhythmia. There are four main types of atrial fibrillation—paroxysmal, persistent, long-term persistent, and permanent atrial fibrillation.

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Apnea del sueño - Causas

Algunas causas de la apnea del sueño pueden ser la estructura física o las afecciones de una persona, por ejemplo, obesidad, amígdalas grandes, trastornos endocrinos, trastornos neuromusculares, insuficiencia cardíaca o renal, ciertos síndromes genéticos y nacimiento prematuro.

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Bleeding Disorders - Types

hemophilia  von Willebrand Disease  coagulation disorders  blood clotting disorders  clotting factor deficiencies 

Bleeding disorders can be inherited, or they can be acquired, meaning you develop them during your lifetime. Acquired bleeding disorders are more common than inherited bleeding disorders.

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Causes of Overweight and Obesity

Energy imbalances, some genetic or endocrine medical conditions, and medicines are known to cause overweight or obesity.

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What Causes a Stroke?

Buildup of plaque and blood clots causing blockage of an artery that supplies oxygen-rich blood to the brain can cause an ischemic stroke, while sudden bleeding from causes such as high blood pressure can result in a hemorrhagic stroke.

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Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis - Treatment

Treatments for hypersensitivity pneumonitis usually include avoidance strategies and medicines such as corticosteroids or immunosuppressive that reduce inflammation. Other supportive therapies include oxygen therapy, bronchodilators, or opioids. Occasionally, lung transplants are used to treat severe chronic disease in some patients.

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Heart-Healthy Living - Aim for a Healthy Weight

A healthy weight for adults is usually when the body mass index (BMI) is between 18.5 and 24.9. To figure out your BMI, use our online BMI calculator.

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