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What Causes Cardiomyopathy?

Many times, the cause of cardiomyopathy isn’t known. Cardiomyopathy can be acquired (you are not born with the condition but develop it due to another disease, condition, or factor) or inherited (your parents passed the gene for the disease on to you).

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How Can Atherosclerosis Be Prevented or Delayed?

Taking action to control your risk factors—through heart-healthy eating, physical activity, quitting smoking, and weight control—can help prevent or delay atherosclerosis and its related diseases.

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Enfermedad coronaria - Tratamiento

enfermedad coronaria microvascular  Enfermedad de la arteria coronaria  síndrome coronario X  enfermedad isquémica del corazón  enfermedad coronaria no obstructiva  enfermedad obstructiva de la arteria coronaria 

Su plan de tratamiento depende de la gravedad de su enfermedad, la gravedad de sus síntomas y cualquier otra afección de salud que pueda presentar. Los posibles tratamientos para la enfermedad coronaria incluyen cambios en el estilo de vida para un corazón saludable, medicamentos o procedimientos como cirugía de revascularización coronaria o intervención coronaria percutánea.

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Vida saludable para el corazón - Elija alimentos saludables para el corazón

Una alimentación saludable para el corazón implica elegir ciertos alimentos, como frutas y verduras, y limitar otros, como las grasas saturadas y las trans, así como los azúcares agregados. Su médico puede recomendar el plan de alimentación saludable para el corazón del enfoque dietético para detener la hipertensión (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, DASH) porque se ha probado que reduce la presión arterial alta y el colesterol LDL "malo" en sangre. Visite nuestra página de deliciosa alimentación saludable para el corazón para obtener recetas, consejos de cocina y más.

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Anemia de células falciformes - Detección y prevención


Las personas que no saben si portan un gen de hemoglobina anormal pueden pedirle a su médico que les haga un análisis de sangre.

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What Is Carotid Artery Disease?

Carotid artery disease is a disease in which a waxy substance called plaque builds up inside the carotid arteries in either side of the neck. The common carotid arteries divide into internal carotid arteries, which supply oxygen-rich blood to your brain, and external carotid arteries, which supply oxygen-rich blood to your face, scalp, and neck.

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Aortic Aneurysm - Treatment

AAA  TAA  abdominal aortic aneurysm  thoracic aortic aneurysm 

Treatment for your aortic aneurysm will depend on its cause, its size and location, and the factors that put you at risk. Small aortic aneurysms may be managed with healthy lifestyle changes or medicine. The goal is to slow the growth of the aneurysm and lower the chance of rupture or dissection.

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Respiratory Failure – Treatment

Respiratory failure  acute respiratory failure  chronic respiratory failure  hypoxemic respiratory failure  hypercapnic respiratory failure  ventilator  CPAP  Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) 

Acute respiratory failure can be life-threatening and may need a quick diagnosis and emergency medical treatment in a hospital. Emergency treatment can help quickly improve your breathing and provide oxygen to your body to help prevent organ damage. Your healthcare team will then treat the cause of your respiratory failure. Treatments for respiratory failure may include oxygen therapy, medicines, and procedures to help your lungs rest and heal.

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Vida saludable para el corazón - Mantenga un peso saludable

Por lo general, un peso saludable para los adultos es cuando el índice de masa corporal (IMC) está entre 18.5 y 24.9. Para calcular su IMC, use nuestra calculadora de IMC en línea.

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Pleural Disorders - Treatment

empyema  hemothorax  pleural effusion  pneumothorax 

How your pleural disorder is treated depends on what type of pleural disorder you have and how severe it is. Some pleural disorders go away without treatment. Others will require a procedure to remove air, fluid, or other material from the pleural space. The goal of treatment is to relieve symptoms and treat the underlying condition.

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