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Pet Food and Treats-Tips for Keeping People and Pets Healthy and Safe from Salmonella | CDC Features

food  salmonella  pet  CDC  healthy  treats  CDC Features  Salmonella dry pet pets animals food treats raw hide bones cats dogs prevention risk infection 

Dry pet food and treats often contain germs, such as Salmonella. It is important to know how to properly handle, store, and behave when handling dry pet foods and treats to minimize the risk of becoming ill.

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Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the US | CDC Features

antibiotics  united states  resistance  threats  antimicrobial resistance  drug resistance  antibiotic resistance  CDC Features  Antimicrobial  antibiotic threat  AR  AR Report 

Antibiotics are powerful tools for fighting illness and disease, but overuse of antibiotics has helped create bacteria that are outsmarting the drugs used to treat them.

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Newborn Screening: Saving Lives for 50 Years | CDC Features

CDC  newborn  saving lives 

This year marks 50 years of saving lives through newborn screening. How much do you know about newborn screening? Take our quiz to find out.

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Health Tips for Long-Term Travelers | CDC Features

health  travelers  tips  travel  CDC  CDC Features  long-term travel; extended stay 

If you are going to be spending a long time in a foreign country—to go to school or to work, for example—have a plan to protect your health while you’re away from home.

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Recipes for Disaster: Keep safe from food poisoning - CDC Features

foodsafety  disaster  poisoning  food poisoning 

Learn the risks and consequences of food poisoning in the fun new web series, Recipes for Disaster – a fictional cooking show where the host, Maria, unintentionally makes common food safety mistakes when preparing her dishes.

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Twitter Chat: Preparedness Month


Are you a clinician or healthcare provider and have questions on how to prepare for the possibility of caring for a patient with #Ebola? Join CDC experts for a live Twitter chat tomorrow, August 8th from 2–3 p.m. ET. Follow @CDCgov on Twitter, and use the hashtag #CDCchat to participate in the chat.

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Combatting Childhood Obesity | CDC Features

CDC  childhood obesity  obesity  overweight  physical activity  CDC Features  children's health 

Recent scientific studies are beginning to show progress against the childhood obesity epidemic, but the numbers of young people affected by obesity remain at high levels. Learn what you can do to combat childhood obesity.

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Safe Transport in Emergencies | CDC Features

safety  disabilities  emergency  transport  CDC Features  emergency preparedness  national preparedness month  people with disabilities  sam’s story 

September is National Preparedness Month. Read one family’s story to find out how emergency preparedness can affect children with special health care needs.

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Pedestrian Safety | CDC Features

safety  CDC  injury  pedestrian  accidents  CDC Features  car crashes  motor vehicle 

Take steps to be safe when walking on roadways. This includes exercising caution at intersections and crosswalks and increasing your visibility at night by wearing retro-reflective clothing and carrying flashlights.

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And the Beat Goes on: Celebrate World Heart Day | CDC Features

CDC  world heart day  CDC Features  Action Make the Heart Grow Stronger: Celebrate World Heart Day 

Action Make the Heart Grow Stronger: Celebrate World Heart Day

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