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Prevalence and characteristics of women at risk for an alcohol-exposed pregnancy

women  pregnancy  risk  CDC  characteristics  prevalence  alcoholexposed  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome  Binge Drinking  fasd  fetal alcohol spectrum disorders  drinking and pregnancy  fetal alcohol spectrum disorder symptoms  fetal alcohol  FAS  alcohol and pregnancy 

FASDs are 100% preventable if a woman does not drink alcohol during pregnancy. There is no known safe amount of alcohol to drink while pregnant. There is also no safe time during pregnancy to drink and no safe kind of alcohol.

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Leave Your Work (Exposures) at Work

pregnancy  work  leave  exposures  breastfeeding  Infertility  miscarriage  occupation  reproductive health  Congenital Anomalies  Birth Defects  family health  take-home  carry home  job  work exposure  employer  employee  worker recommendations  breast feeding 

Chemicals from your work can come home on your skin, hair, clothes and shoes. When you go home, these chemicals can get onto your floors, your furniture, or in your car where your family members or pets can be exposed. We call this take-home exposure.

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Racial Disparities in Access to Maternity Care PracticesThat Support Breastfeeding - United States, 2011

support  states  care  disparities  access  racial  maternity  practicesthat  breastfeeding 

Jennifer N. Lind, PharmD1,2, Cria G. Perrine, PhD2, Ruowei Li, MD2, Kelley S.

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Update on Recommendations for Use of Herpes ZosterVaccine

recommendations  update  herpes  zostervaccine 

Craig M. Hales, MD1, Rafael Harpaz, MD1, Ismael Ortega-Sanchez, PhD1, Stephanie R. Bialek, MD1 (Author affiliations at end of text).

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Closure of Varicella-Zoster Virus-Containing VaccinesPregnancy Registry - United States, 2013

states  closure  varicellazoster  viruscontaining  vaccinespregnancy  registry 

Mona Marin, MD1, English D. Willis, MD2, Ann Marko2, Sonja A. Rasmussen, MD3, Stephanie R.

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Science Clips - Monday, February 17, 2014

science  february  clips  monday  CDC - Stephen B. Thacker Library - Science Clips 

CDC - Stephen B. Thacker Library - Science Clips

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Science Clips - Monday, March 31, 2014

science  march  clips  monday 

Each Tuesday, to enhance awareness of emerging scientific knowledge, selected science clips will be posted here for the public health community. The focus is applied public health research and prevention science that has the capacity to improve health now.

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Science Clips - Monday, July 21, 2014

science  july  clips  monday  CDC - Stephen B. Thacker Library - Science Clips 

CDC - Stephen B. Thacker Library - Science Clips

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