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Pacemakers - Who Needs a Pacemaker?

needs  Pacemaker  pacemakers 

Pacemakers are used to treat certain types of arrhythmias, as well as heart failure, a condition that occurs when the heart cannot pump enough blood to the body. Not everyone with an arrhythmia needs a pacemaker.

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Pacemakers - How Pacemakers Work

Pacemaker  Heart pacing  Cardiac pacing  Arrhythmia  Conduction disorder  Bradycardia  Leadless  Transvenous 

Pacemakers use low-energy electrical pulses to control the rate and rhythm of your heartbeat. Traditional pacemakers send the electrical pulses through wires, also known as leads. Wireless pacemakers are a newer kind of pacemaker without wires.

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Division of Human Subjects Research

research  human  division  subjects 

The Division of Human Subjects Research (DHSR) provides expertise, leadership, coordination, and guidance in the areas of policy implementation and development for human subjects research.

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Osteopetrosis is a rare disorder that causes bones to grow abnormally and become too dense. When this happens, bones can break easily.

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Fibrous Dysplasia

fibrous  dysplasia 

Fibrous dysplasia happens when a bone is replaced with other tissues. Bones may become weak, oddly shaped, or broken. Learn more about this rare disease.

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Kidney Biopsy

treatment  patients  diagnosis  complications  biopsy  Postoperative Care  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  Urologic Diseases  Hematuria  Kidney Diseases  Preoperative Care  Proteinuria  kidney biopsy  renal biopsy  kidney tissue sample  kidney disease diagnosis  percutaneous kidney biopsy  PRB  laparoscopic kidney biopsy 

Learn about a kidney biopsy, a procedure in which a health care professional takes small pieces of tissue from your kidney to look for signs of damage or disease.

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Hepatitis (Viral)

Liver Disease  Viral Hepatitis General 

Overview of viral hepatitis, which causes liver inflammation and damage. Several different viruses cause hepatitis, including hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E.

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Urinary Retention

Urologic Diseases 

Learn about urinary retention—a condition in which you are unable to empty all the urine from your bladder—including both acute and chronic urinary retention.

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Úlceras pépticas (úlceras estomacales y duodenales)

Digestive Diseases  Peptic Ulcer Disease  AINE  Úlcera péptica  úlcera estomacal  úlcera duodenal  Helicobacter pylori  h pylori  medicamentos antiinflamatorios no esteroideos  síntomas de úlcera péptica  diagnóstico de úlcera péptica  tratamiento de úlcera péptica 

Descripción general de úlceras pépticas (estomacales o duodenales), incluidos síntomas, diagnóstico y tratamiento. Abarca las causas e incluye la infección por H. pylori y el consumo de AINE.

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Síndrome de vómitos cíclicos

Digestive Diseases 

Infórmese sobre las cuatro fases del síndrome de vómitos cíclicos. Describe los síntomas, causas, diagnóstico y tratamientos. Ofrece recomendaciones para prevenir el síndrome de vómitos cíclicos.

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