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Helping Your Child Adapt to Life with Chronic Kidney Disease

school  friends  patients  physical activity  Kidney Disease  chronic disease  Urinary Incontinence  dialysis  chronic kidney disease  kidney failure  Sports  kidney transplant  job  CKD  career  Self-esteem  growth failure  treatment regimen  adherence 

Overview of ways in which parents and other adults can help children with kidney disease overcome the daily challenges of living with a chronic illness.

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Bladder Control Problems (Urinary Incontinence)

patients  Urologic Diseases  Urge Incontinence  Urinary Incontinence  Bladder Control  health professionals  urine leaks  leaky bladder  stress incontinence  bladder control problems  UI  urine leakage  leaking pee  overactive bladder  urgency incontinence 

Learn about one of the most common bladder control problems, urinary incontinence, which is a condition that involves the accidental loss or leaking of urine.

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Kegel Exercises

pregnancy  patients  bladder  aging  Anus  Urologic Diseases  Urinary Incontinence  Bladder Control  gas  Fecal Incontinence  uterus  bowel incontinence  kegel exercises  pelvic floor muscles  pelvic floor exercises  urine leakage  pelvic floor muscle training  PFMT  bowel control  stool leakage 

Learn about Kegel exercises: simple exercises you can do to treat bladder problems and improve bowel control.

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Kidney Disease in Children

children  acute  patients  biopsy  anemia  high blood pressure  Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome  Kidney Disease  transplant  Urinary Tract  Urinary Incontinence  Kidneys  Birth Defects  dialysis  hemodialysis  chronic kidney disease  general public  kidney transplant  CKD  Acute Kidney Injury 

Overview of acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease in children, including complications, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.

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Urodynamic Testing

symptoms  antibiotics  testing  patients  bladder  anesthesia  pelvic floor  Urodynamics  Urologic Diseases  Urine  Urinary Tract  Urethra  Ultrasound  Drinking Water  Diagnostic Imaging  Urinary Incontinence  Sphincter  Urination  Uroflowmetry  Cystometry 

Urodynamic tests help diagnose lower urinary tract problems by showing how well your bladder, sphincters, and urethra work together to store and release urine.

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Prostate Tests

symptoms  patients  prostate  gland  PSA  biopsy  Diagnostic Tests  prostate cancer  BPH  DRE  Urodynamics  Urologic Diseases  Male  Prostatitis  Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia  Digital Rectal Exam  Prostate Specific Antigen  Urinalysis  Cytoscopy  Transrectal Ultrasound 

Learn about tests used to identify prostate problems, such as DRE, PSA test, prostate health index, and a transrectal ultrasound with prostate biopsy.

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Cystoscopy & Ureteroscopy

patients  bladder  anesthesia  Diagnostic Tests  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  bladder cancer  Urologic Diseases  Urinary Tract  Urethra  Hematuria  Cystoscopy  Ureteroscopy  Equipment and Supplies  Urinary Incontinence  Kidneys  Ureters  general public  UTI  Urinary Retention 

Urologists use cystoscopy and ureteroscopy to look inside the urinary tract, find the cause of problems, and sometimes treat them.

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Perineal Injury in Males

pain  bleeding  infection  patients  pressure  construction  trauma  Patient Care Management  Information Resources  genital  agricultural  Urologic Diseases  Urinary Tract  Urethra  Urinary Incontinence  Erectile Dysfunction  Urologic Trauma  Bike Riding  Bladder Control  general public 

Perineal injuries can lead to bladder control problems or erectile dysfunction in males. Learn about the different types of injuries and how to prevent them.

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patients  complications  bladder  pelvis  Urologic Diseases  Urologic Disorders  Reproductive System  Female  Gynecology  Voiding Cystourethrogram  Urinary Incontinence  general public  vagina  Cystocele  Pelvic organ prolapse  prolapsed bladder  pelvic organs  pelvic floor muscles  postvoid residual urine measurement  pelvic floor exercises 

Symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of a cystocele, a common condition that occurs when the bladder bulges or drops into the vagina.

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