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Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI)

Digestive Diseases 

Overview of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), including symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment with pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT).

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Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction

Digestive Diseases 

Learn about the diagnosis and treatment of intestinal pseudo-obstruction, including chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction and acute colonic pseudo-obstruction.

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Hirschsprung Disease

Digestive Diseases  Constipation  Intestinal Obstruction  Hirschsprung Disease  Enterocolitis  birth defect  Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis  HAEC  Hirschsprung disease symptoms  vomit  abdominal swelling  Hirschsprung disease diagnosis  Hirschsprung disease treatment  pull-through procedure  Hirschsprung disease nutrition 

Overview of Hirschsprung disease, a birth defect in which some nerve cells are missing in the large intestine. Discusses symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

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Ostomy Surgery of the Bowel

Digestive Diseases 

Overview of ostomy surgery of the bowel, including different types of ostomy surgery, adjusting to life after ostomy surgery, diet, and managing waste and gas.

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Ulcerative Colitis

Digestive Diseases 

Discusses risk factors, symptoms, diagnostic procedures, and complications of ulcerative colitis. Provides treatment options, including medications and surgery.

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gallstones  diabetes  patients  nutrition  Digestive Diseases  Abdominal pain  Bile Ducts  pancreatic cancer  health professionals  Pancreatitis  Digestive Diseases  acute pancreatitis  chronic pancreatitis  pancreatic duct 

Discusses causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of pancreatitis. Reviews treatment including eating, diet, and nutrition. Provides information on clinical trials.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children

Digestive Diseases 

Discusses symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of IBS in children. Treatments include changes in diet, mental health therapies, probiotics, and medicines.

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Gastritis & Gastropathy

Digestive Diseases 

Learn about causes, symptoms, and treatments for gastritis, in which the stomach lining is inflamed, and gastropathy, in which the stomach lining is damaged.

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Food Poisoning

Digestive Diseases 

Discusses the causes, risk factors, complications, treatment options, and prevention strategies of foodborne illnesses.

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Anatomic Problems of the Lower GI Tract

Digestive Diseases 

Learn about problems of the lower GI tract, such as anorectal malformation, colonic atresia, malrotation, intussusception, fistula, prolapse, and volvulus.

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