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Lupus & Kidney Disease (Lupus Nephritis)

patients  Kidney Disease  general public  kidney failure  Lupus nephritis  systemic lupus erythematosus  SLE  lupus problems  lupus symptoms  lupus complications  lupus incidence  lupus prevalence  tests for lupus  lupus treatment  diet for lupus 

Overview of lupus nephritis, a type of kidney disease caused by systemic lupus erythematosus, its complications, and how doctors diagnose and treat the disease.

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Your Kidneys & How They Work

blood  patients  bladder  Kidney Disease  filter  Anatomy  Urine  Urinary Tract  Kidneys  health professionals  general public  minerals  hormones  Glomerulus  Tubule  Nephron  Electrolytes  Glomeruli  renal system  blood flow 

Learn how your kidneys filter blood, why kidneys are important, and how kidneys help maintain a healthy balance of water, salts, and minerals in your body.

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IgA Nephropathy

symptoms  patients  hypertension  cholesterol  diagnosis  complications  autoimmune  high blood pressure  Diagnostic Tests  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  ACE  Hematuria  Kidney Diseases  high cholesterol  dialysis  chronic kidney disease  general public  kidney failure  kidney transplant 

Overview of IgA nephropathy, also known as Berger’s disease, an autoimmune disease that can damage your kidneys.

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Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in Children

patients  Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome  Kidney Disease  general public  kidney damage  Protein in the Urine  Raw Meat  Albuminuria  Red Blood Cell Damage  Kidney Diseases in Children 

Explains how the condition develops after Escherichia coli infection in the digestive tract and describes treatment.

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Growth Failure in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease

children  patients  nutrition  malnutrition  medicine  anemia  Kidney Disease  Body Weight  Kidneys  dialysis  chronic kidney disease  general public  Prescriptions  kidney failure  kidney transplant  CKD  End-stage Kidney Disease  Dietary Supplementation  Body Height  growth hormone 

Symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of growth failure, a common complication in children with CKD, in which they do not grow as expected.

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Financial Help for Diabetes Care

diabetes  patients  health insurance  medicaid  transplantation  Patient Care Management  Diabetes Mellitus  Medicare  CHIP  Equipment and Supplies  dialysis  general public  insulin  prescription drugs  Part A  Financial Aid  Obamacare  Hospital Care  Managed Care  Diabetes costs 

Lists private health insurance, government health insurance, and other health care services for people with diabetes, plus helpful organizations or resources.

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Pregnancy if You Have Diabetes

diabetes  patients  preeclampsia  general public  Pregnancy and diabetes  pregnancy and insulin  diabetes medicines and pregnancy  blood glucose targets before pregnancy  blood glucose targets during pregnancy  preexisting diabetes  Living with or Managing  diabetes checkups during pregnancy  diabetes after pregnancy 

Learn about how to take care of your diabetes before, during, and after pregnancy, so you may prevent or treat health problems before and after delivery.

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Diabetes Insipidus

symptoms  pregnancy  patients  kidney  diagnosis  pituitary  dehydration  Diabetes Mellitus  Drug Therapy  Calcium  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  potassium  Urine  Kidney Diseases  Fluids  Drug Effects  general public  Hypothalamus  Vasopressin 

Learn about the different types of diabetes insipidus, their causes, and how they are diagnosed and treated.

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Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease

symptoms  treatment  therapy  patients  kidney  tumors  transplantation  Diagnostic Tests  Kidney Disease  Kidney Diseases  Polycystic Kidney Disease  dialysis  general public  cyst  chronic kidney failure  Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease 

Explains the causes of acquired cystic kidney disease (ACKD), a common condition in people with kidney failure who are treated with dialysis.

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Diverticular Disease

facts  symptoms  causes  definition  eating  nutrition  diagnosis  diet  Digestive Diseases  general public  Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis  nutrtion  diverticular disease  diverticular  diverticulosis  diverticulitis 

Overview of diverticular disease, which occurs when diverticula lead to chronic symptoms, diverticular bleeding, or diverticulitis or related complications.

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