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Set Policies & Rules

bullying  policies  rules  stop bullying  school policies on bullying  school rules on bullying  school guidelines on bullying 

School staff can help prevent bullying by establishing and enforcing school rules and policies. Find out what you can do at StopBullying.gov.

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Support the Kids Involved

bullying  support  kids  involved  stop bullying  support bullied kids  support bullying prevention  support kids teasing 

Support for all kids helps to stop bullying and limit its effects.

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Considerations for Specific Groups

groups  bullying  considerations  stop bullying  bullying risk groups  bullying risk population  school violence risk groups  teasing risk groups 

Children perceived as 'different' are at higher risk for bullying.

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Find Out What Happened

what  bullying  happened  stop bullying  find out what happened bullying  determine what happened bullying  information what happened bullying 

Suspect bullying? Determine the facts to decide how to proceed.

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Indiana Anti-Bullying Laws & Policies

bullying  policies  laws  antibullying  indiana  stop bullying  anti bullying laws by state  anti bullying policies by state  anti bullying laws indiana 

Find out what laws and policies cover bullying and cyberbullying in Indiana. Visit StopBullying.gov for more information.

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Hawaii Anti-Bullying Laws & Policies

bullying  policies  laws  antibullying  hawaii  stop bullying  anti bullying laws by state  anti bullying policies by state  anti bullying laws hawaii 

Find out what laws and policies cover bullying and cyberbullying in Hawaii. Visit StopBullying.gov for more information.

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Minnesota Anti-Bullying Laws & Policies

bullying  policies  laws  antibullying  minnesota  stop bullying  anti bullying laws by state  anti bullying policies by state  anti bullying laws minnesota 

Find out what laws and policies cover bullying and cyberbullying in Minnesota. Visit StopBullying.gov for more information.

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Tennessee Anti-Bullying Laws & Policies

bullying  policies  laws  antibullying  tennessee  stop bullying  anti bullying laws by state  anti bullying policies by state  anti bullying laws tennessee 

Find out what laws and policies cover bullying and cyberbullying in Tennessee. Visit StopBullying.gov for more information.

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Alabama Anti-Bullying Laws & Policies

bullying  policies  laws  antibullying  alabama  stop bullying  anti bullying laws by state  anti bullying policies by state  anti bullying laws alabama 

Find out what laws and policies cover bullying and cyberbullying in Alabama. Visit StopBullying.gov for more information.

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Iowa Anti-Bullying Laws & Policies

bullying  policies  laws  antibullying  iowa  stop bullying  anti bullying laws by state  anti bullying policies by state  anti bullying laws iowa 

Find out what laws and policies cover bullying and cyberbullying in Iowa. Visit StopBullying.gov for more information.

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