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High Blood Pressure - Screening and Prevention

hypertension  high blood pressure  blood pressure 

Everyone age 3 or older should have their blood pressure checked by a healthcare provider at least once a year. Healthy lifestyle changes can help prevent high blood pressure from developing.

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High Blood Pressure - Risk Factors

sodium  hypertension  alcohol  high blood pressure  blood pressure 

Factors that increase your risk for high blood pressure include unhealthy lifestyle habits such as eating too much sodium, drinking too much alcohol, and being physically inactive. Other risk factors include age, family history and genetics, race and ethnicity, and sex.

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Virtual Colonoscopy

patients  Digestive Diseases  Colonoscopy  Urologic Diseases  virtual colonoscopy  colon polyps test  colon cancer test  colorectal cancer test  colon cancer screening  computerized tomography colonography  CTC  CT colonography  Computerized Tomography Scan  Computed tomography colonography  computed tomography scan 

Learn why a virtual colonoscopy is used, how to prepare for the procedure, and what to expect. Find out how virtual colonoscopy is different from colonoscopy.

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Upper GI Series

patients  Digestive Diseases  Constipation  Gastroesophageal reflux  Ulcers  GER  Upper GI Series  Double-contrast upper GI series  Standard barium upper GI series  Barium swallow  GI tract inflammation  Upper gastrointestinal series 

Learn how an upper gastrointestinal (GI) series can diagnose problems in your upper GI tract, how to prepare for the procedure, and what to expect afterwards.

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Type 1 Diabetes

diabetes  patients  Type 1 Diabetes  insulin  diabetes complications  pancreatic islet transplantation  type 1 diabetes treatment  ketones  type 1 diabetes causes  diabetes symptoms  diabetes autoantibodies  diabetes antibodies  type 1 diabetes diagnosis 

Learn about type 1 diabetes and its causes, diagnosis, and treatment. You can’t prevent type 1 diabetes, but you can manage it with insulin and healthy habits.

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Monogenic Diabetes (MODY & Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus)

research  treatment  diabetes  patients  diagnosis  genetics  Diabetes Mellitus  health professionals  clinical features  NDM  hyperglycemia  Genetic Testing and Counseling  Monogenic Diabetes  Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young  Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus  Monogenic Diabetes Neonatal Diabetes and MODY  MODY 

NDM and MODY are uncommon forms of diabetes that result from changes in your genes. Learn about diagnosis, genetic testing and counseling, and treatment.

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Continuous Glucose Monitoring

children  diabetes  adult  patients  smartphone  type 2 diabetes  Blood Glucose  Type 1 Diabetes  glycemic control  insulin  blood sugar  hypoglycemia  insulin pump  low blood glucose  hyperglycemia  Continuous glucose monitoring system  CGM  glucose testing  glucose sensor  high blood glucose 

Learn how continuous glucose monitors work, the different types of CGM devices, and how they help people with diabetes keep glucose levels in a healthy range.

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Porciones de los alimentos: cómo escoger justo lo suficiente para usted

nutrientes  control de peso  peso saludable  Weight Management  Patients  Diet Nutrition  Health Professionals  etiqueta de información nutricional  etiqueta de los alimentos  pedida de peso  controlar el peso  mantener un peso saludable  ración  raciones  calorías  porción  porciones  controlar las porciones  controlar las raciones  Weight Control Health Living 

Para tener un peso saludable, aprenda a leer una etiqueta de información nutricional, comprenda cómo difieren las raciones y las porciones y elija la cantidad adecuada de alimentos para usted.

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Lower GI Series

patients  polyps  Digestive Diseases  Constipation  Diarrhea  Ulcers  Fistula  diverticular disease  Barium enema  Double-contrast lower GI series  Diagnosis of GI problems  Air-contrast lower GI series  Lower GI Series  Lower gastrointestinal series 

Learn how a lower gastrointestinal (GI) series can diagnose problems in your large intestine, how to prepare for the procedure, and what to expect afterwards.

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