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NIDA - Teen Facts


Teens  Substance use  Drug use  Inhalants 

Obtén información sobre cómo los inhalantes afectan al cerebro y al resto del cuerpo.

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NIDA - Teen Facts

Sales de baño

Teens  Substance use  Bath Salts 

Aprende cómo las "sales de baño" (catinonas sintéticas) afectan al cerebro y al resto del cuerpo. Las sales de baño son drogas fabricadas por el hombre.

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NIDA - Teen Facts

Esteroides anabólicos

Teens  Steroids 

Obtén información sobre cómo los esteroides anabólicos afectan al cerebro y al cuerpo.

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Certificates of Confidentiality (CoC)

human subjects  coc 

Certificates of Confidentiality (Certificate or CoC) protect the privacy of research participants by prohibiting disclosure of identifiable, sensitive research information to anyone not connected to the research except when the participant consents or in a few other specific situations. Learn more about information that is protected by a CoC.

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Dietary Supplements for Exercise and Athletic Performance: Fact Sheet for Consumers

training  exercise  recovery  dietary supplement  Protein  coenzyme Q10  antioxidant  performance  iron  Vitamin E  Endurance  Strength  supplement  caffeine  ephedra  strength training  vitamin C  adulterant  beta-alanine  beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate 

Find out what dietary supplements for exercise and athletic performance are and what they do in your body, what foods provide them, and about dietary supplements for exercise and athletic performance.

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Dietary Supplements: Background Information

vitamin  herb  dietary supplement  FDA  herbal  U.S. Food and Drug Administration  supplement  mineral  amino acid  health claim  nutrient content claim  structure/function claim 

Find out what dietary supplements are and what they do in your body.

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Black cohosh: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

cough  fever  pain  pneumonia  dietary supplement  menopause  hot flashes  night sweats  irritability  estrogen  reproductive health  labor  supplement  Tinnitus  Vertigo  follicle-stimulating hormone  vaginal dryness  buttercup  snakeroot  black bugbane 

Find out what black cohosh is,what it does in your body, and about black cohosh supplements.

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Zinc: hoja informativa para consumidores

Diarrhea  dietary supplement  nutrient  supplement  nutrition  iron  interactions  antibiotics  zinc  phytate  immune function  wound healing  age-related macular degeneration  AMD  colds  common cold  copper  penicillamine  diuretics 

Find out what zinc is and what it does in your body, what foods provide it, and about zinc supplements.

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Zinc: Fact Sheet for Consumers

nutrition  zinc  antibiotic  wound healing  dietary supplement  colds  common cold  Diarrhea  iron  AMD  age-related macular degeneration  supplement  nutrient  mineral  interactions  immune function  phytate  copper  penicillamine  diuretics 

Find out what zinc is and what it does in your body, what foods provide it, and about zinc supplements.

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Zinc: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

antibiotics  nutrition  zinc  wound healing  dietary supplement  colds  common cold  Diarrhea  iron  AMD  age-related macular degeneration  supplement  nutrient  mineral  interactions  immune function  phytate  copper  penicillamine  diuretics 

Find out what zinc is and what it does in your body, what foods provide it, and about zinc supplements.

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