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Angina - Diagnosis

heart  chest pain  blood flow  stable angina  unstable angina  microvascular angina  variant angina 

Your doctor may diagnose angina based on your medical history, a physical exam, and diagnostic tests and procedures. These tests can help assess whether you need immediate treatment for a heart attack. Some of these tests may help rule out other conditions.

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Angina - Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

heart  chest pain  blood flow  stable angina  unstable angina  microvascular angina  variant angina 

Signs and symptoms vary based on the type of angina you have and on whether you are a man or a woman. Angina symptoms can differ in severity, location in the body, timing, and how much relief you may feel with rest or medicines. Since symptoms of angina and of heart attack can be the same, call 9-1-1 if you feel chest discomfort that does not go away with rest or medicine. Angina can also lead to a heart attack and other complications that can be life-threatening.

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Angina - Risk Factors

heart  chest pain  blood flow  stable angina  unstable angina  microvascular angina  variant angina 

You may have an increased risk for angina because of your age, environment or occupation, family history and genetics, lifestyle, other medical conditions, race, or sex.

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Angina - Causes

heart  chest pain  blood flow  stable angina  unstable angina  microvascular angina  variant angina 

Angina happens when your heart muscle does not get enough oxygen-rich blood. Medical conditions, particularly ischemic heart disease, or lifestyle habits can cause angina. To understand the causes of angina, it helps to understand how the heart works.

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Angina - Types

heart  chest pain  blood flow  stable angina  unstable angina  microvascular angina  variant angina 

The types of angina are stable, unstable, microvascular, and variant. The types vary based on their severity or cause.

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Cystic Fibrosis - Diagnosis


Your doctor may diagnose cystic fibrosis based on your signs and symptoms and results from certain tests, such as genetic and sweat tests that are done to confirm screening tests.

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Cystic Fibrosis - Screening and Prevention


Genetic testing may be performed to look for carriers, as well as to screen relatives of people who have cystic fibrosis.

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Cystic Fibrosis - Causes


Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease caused by mutations in a gene called the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene.

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Pulmonary Rehabilitation - What to Expect

lung  pulmonary  pulmonary rehab 

What to Expect If your doctor recommends pulmonary rehabilitation, you will receive care from a team of healthcare providers, who will design a plan that fits your needs based on the health of your lungs, your age, and other health factors. After your program ends, your team will assess your lung function again to see if your breathing has improved. Yes

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Aortic Aneurysm - Treatment

AAA  TAA  abdominal aortic aneurysm  thoracic aortic aneurysm 

Treatment for your aortic aneurysm will depend on its cause, its size and location, and the factors that put you at risk. Small aortic aneurysms may be managed with healthy lifestyle changes or medicine. The goal is to slow the growth of the aneurysm and lower the chance of rupture or dissection.

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