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Grants Basics

nih  grants 

Before getting started, learn why it is important to understand the structure of NIH and how we approach grant funding, what types of organizations and people are eligible to apply, what we look for in a research project, and the types of grant programs we offer.

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Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA)

research  policy  office  administration  extramural  OPERA 

OPERA provides leadership and oversight in grants management policy and compliance, intellectual property, and OMB clearances to the extramural research community and NIH extramural staff through policy development, expert guidance, analysis, outreach, and related information dissemination in order to promote effective stewardship of NIH extramural funds in support of health research.

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Early Stage Investigator Policies

policies  stage  investigator 

This page provides information on the NIH Next Generation Researchers Initiative policies that support early-stage investigators (ESIs).

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Early Stage Investigator Policies

nih  early investigators 

This page provides information on the NIH Next Generation Researchers Initiative policies that support early-stage investigators (ESIs).

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Guidelines & Review Criteria

nih  review templates 

Note to Reviewers: These documents are provided as general reviewer orientation to NIH peer review. For meeting specific information, please rely on the documents and links provided by your SRO.

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Data Management and Sharing Policy

policy  data  management  sharing 

NIH has a longstanding commitment to making the results of NIH-funded funded research available. Responsible data management and sharing has many benefits, including accelerating the pace of biomedical research, enabling validation of research results, and providing accessibility to high-value datasets.

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Which Policies Apply to My Research?

research  policies  apply 

NIH has a variety of sharing policies in place for research that it funds. This tool will assist in helping you determine which of the following NIH policies apply to a particular project.

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Planning and Budgeting for Data Management & Sharing

planning  data  management  sharing  budgeting 

NIH expects applicants to submit a plan for how they will manage and share their data and allows applicants to include certain costs associated with data management and sharing in their budget.

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Standard Due Dates for Competing Applications

funding  nih  grants 

NIH Grants Application Due Dates.

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