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Cardiogenic Shock - Treatment

cardiac shock 

Cardiogenic shock is life-threatening and requires rapid diagnosis and identification of the cause, and emergency medical treatment. Treatments include medicines, heart procedures, and medical devices to support or restore blood flow in the body and prevent organ damage. Because cardiogenic shock is a serious medical condition affecting multiple body organs, a team of medical specialists usually provides care. Some medical devices may be used temporarily to stabilize or support you until a permanent device can be implanted or until a heart transplant can be performed. For people who have severe organ damage and may not survive after cardiogenic shock, palliative care or hospice care may help them have a better quality of life with fewer symptoms.

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Coronary Heart Disease - Screening and Prevention

coronary artery disease  coronary heart disease  coronary microvascular disease 

You should start getting screening tests and risk assessments for coronary heart disease around age 20 if you do not have any risk factors for coronary heart disease. Children may need screening if they have risk factors, such as obesity, low levels of physical activity, or a family history of heart problems. Afterward, your doctor may recommend preventive treatments such as heart-healthy lifestyle changes to help you lower your risk of coronary heart disease.

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Coronary Heart Disease - Causes

coronary artery disease  coronary heart disease  coronary microvascular disease 

There are three main types of coronary heart disease: obstructive coronary artery disease, nonobstructive coronary artery disease, and coronary microvascular disease. Coronary artery disease affects the large arteries on the surface of the heart. Many people have both obstructive and nonobstructive forms of this disease. Coronary microvascular disease affects the tiny arteries in the heart muscle.

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Atrial Fibrillation - Risk Factors

a-fib  AF 

Age, family history and genetics, lifestyle, heart disease or other medical conditions, race, sex, and a history of surgery can all raise your risk of developing the structural and electrical anomalies that cause atrial fibrillation. Even in a healthy heart, a fast or slow heart rate—from exercising or sleeping, for example—can trigger atrial fibrillation.

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Pulmonary Hypertension - Causes

hypertension  blood pressure  arteries  pulmonary 

Your genes or other medical conditions can cause pulmonary hypertension. Certain medical conditions can damage, change, or block the blood vessels of the pulmonary arteries. The cause of pulmonary hypertension is not always clear.

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Coronary Heart Disease - Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

coronary artery disease  coronary heart disease  coronary microvascular disease 

Some people have severe symptoms of coronary heart disease. Others have no symptoms at all. If you have “silent” coronary heart disease, you may not have any symptoms until you have a heart attack or other complication.

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Cardiogenic Shock - Risk Factors

cardiac shock 

You may have an increased risk of cardiogenic shock because of your age, any cardiovascular or other medical conditions you have, medical procedures, your race or ethnicity, and your sex.

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Conduction Disorders - Causes

heart block 

Conduction disorders may be caused by structural problems in the heart or other medical conditions. Some people have a conduction disorder at birth, while others develop it later in life.

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Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting - During Surgery

CABG  heart bypass surgery 

During CABG, a surgical team will take one or more blood vessels from another part of your body and connect it to the blocked artery in your heart. CABG may be performed in one of three ways. In traditional CABG, the chest is cut open and a machine pumps your blood. In “off-pump” CABG, the chest is opened, but a machine for pumping blood is not used. With minimally invasive CABG methods, only small cuts are made in the chest, and a machine is not used.

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Sarcoidosis - Signos, síntomas y complicaciones

Muchas personas con sarcoidosis no muestran signos ni síntomas. Algunas experimentan signos y síntomas generales de sarcoidosis, como la fatiga, la fiebre y la pérdida de peso. Si la inflamación continúa, algunas personas pueden presentar cicatrices permanentes, lo que puede ocasionar complicaciones cardíacas o pulmonares graves, potencialmente mortales.

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