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"Measuring Science Impact" - CDC Public Health Grand Rounds | CDC Features

health  science  CDC  impact  public  measuring  rounds  wellness  CDC Features  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  HIV prevention  prep  Pre-exposure prophylaxis  CDC grand rounds 

Watch CDC’s Public Health Grand Rounds, “Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for Prevention of HIV Infection,” which will be held on May 20, at 1 p.m. (EST) at www.cdc.gov/about/grand-rounds.

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Enter the 2013 Hypertension Control Challenge! - CDC Features

features  CDC  control  enter  hypertension  challenge 

Enter the 2013 Million Hearts® Hypertension Control Challenge to spread the word about your successful strategies for working with patients to achieve better blood pressure control.

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Disaster Preparedness for Your Pet | CDC Features

disaster  features  pet  CDC  preparedness 

If a natural disaster strikes, what will happen to your pet? Be prepared: make a plan and prepare a disaster kit for your pet.

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Hurricane Readiness | CDC Features

features  emergency  CDC  hurricane  readiness  emergencies  CDC Features  food security  natural disaster  water safety  typhoon  emergency plans  preparedness and response 

You can’t stop a tropical storm or hurricane, but you can take steps now to protect yourself and your family.

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