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Angina - Types

heart  chest pain  blood flow  stable angina  unstable angina  microvascular angina  variant angina 

The types of angina are stable, unstable, microvascular, and variant. The types vary based on their severity or cause.

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Conduction Disorders - Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

heart block 

Many people who have conduction disorders, such as first-degree AV block, may have no obvious signs or symptoms. Others may have signs and symptoms that occur in specific situations, such as when you experience physical or emotional stress or when you sleep. Conduction disorders can lead to life-threatening arrhythmias if undiagnosed or untreated.

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Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting - Life After

CABG  heart bypass surgery 

CABG is a treatment but not a cure for ischemic heart disease. It is important to work with your doctor after CABG to help you stay healthy. This may include taking medicines prescribed by your doctor, making healthy lifestyle changes, getting regular medical checkups, and participating in cardiac rehabilitation.

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Vasculitis - Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

angiitis  arteritis 

The signs, symptoms, and complications of vasculitis vary depending on which type of vasculitis you have, the organs involved, and the severity of the condition. Some people may have few signs and symptoms. Other people may become very sick.

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Apnea del sueño - Signos, síntomas y complicaciones

Los signos y síntomas frecuentes de la apnea del sueño son los ronquidos o los jadeos durante el sueño, la respiración reducida o ausente (denominada "episodio de apnea") y la somnolencia. La apnea del sueño sin diagnosticar o tratar impide el sueño reparador y puede causar complicaciones que afecten muchas partes del cuerpo.

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How the Lungs Work - What Breathing Does for the Body

respiratory system 

Breathing involves two phases: breathing in and breathing out. Your lungs deliver oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from your blood in a process called gas exchange. Gas exchange happens in the capillaries surrounding the alveoli, where the oxygen that is breathed in enters the circulatory system and carbon dioxide in the blood is released to the lungs and then breathed out. If you have problems breathing, gas exchange may be impaired, increasing the risk of serious health problems.

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Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation - Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

consumption coagulopathy 

Signs and symptoms of DIC depend on whether the condition is acute or chronic. Acute DIC is more severe and develops quickly over hours or days. Chronic DIC happens more slowly and sometimes has no signs or symptoms. Complications from DIC can occur from both the clotting that happens in the early stages of the condition and from bleeding in the later stages. Serious complications include organ damage and hemorrhage.

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Bleeding Disorders - Causes

hemophilia  von Willebrand Disease  coagulation disorders  blood clotting disorders  clotting factor deficiencies 

Your genes, or other causes such as medical conditions or medicines, can cause bleeding disorders. Sometimes a cause may not be known. Any problem that affects the function or number of clotting factors or platelets can lead to a bleeding disorder.

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Marfan Syndrome - Causes


Marfan syndrome is a genetic condition caused by a mutation, or change, in one of your genes, called the fibrillin-1 (FBN1) gene. The FBN1 gene makes fibrillin-1, which is a protein that forms elastic fibers within connective tissue. Fibrillin-1 also affects levels of another protein that helps control how you grow.

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Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome - Causes

ARDS  acute lung injury  noncardiac pulmonary edema 

Damage to the lung’s air sacs—called alveoli—causes ARDS. Fluid from tiny blood vessels leaks through the damaged walls of the air sacs and collects, limiting the lungs’ normal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The damage also causes inflammation that leads to the breakdown of surfactant—a liquid that helps keep your air sacs open.

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