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Presión arterial alta: detección y prevención


Todas las personas mayores de 3 años deben visitar un profesional de la salud para medirse la presión arterial al menos una vez al año. El médico le tomara la presión arterial para ver si las lecturas de la presión arterial son constantemente altas. El médico le hablará sobre cambios en el estilo de vida para un corazón saludable para ayudarle a controlar la presión arterial o evitar la presión arterial alta.

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High Blood Pressure - Risk Factors

sodium  hypertension  alcohol  high blood pressure  blood pressure 

Factors that increase your risk for high blood pressure include unhealthy lifestyle habits such as eating too much sodium, drinking too much alcohol, and being physically inactive. Other risk factors include age, family history and genetics, race and ethnicity, and sex.

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Pneumonia - Screening and Prevention

pneumonia  lung infection  bacterial pneumonia  viral pneumonia  fungal pneumonia  pneumonia treatments 

Pneumonia can be very serious and even life-threatening. Vaccines can help prevent some types of pneumonia. Good hygiene (washing your hands often), quitting smoking, and keeping your immune system strong by getting regular physical activity and eating healthy are other ways to lower your risk of getting pneumonia.

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What Causes Sudden Cardiac Arrest?

Ventricular fibrillation, a type of arrhythmia, causes most sudden cardiac arrests. Other problems with the heart's electrical system, including diseases or conditions that can cause the electrical problems—such as coronary heart disease, physical stress, certain inherited disorders, and structural changes in the heart—also can lead to sudden cardiac arrest.

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¿Qué es la enfermedad coronaria?

enfermedad de las arterias coronarias  enfermedad isquemica del corazon 

La enfermedad coronaria es una enfermedad en la cual una sustancia cerosa llamada placa se acumula dentro de las arterias coronarias a través de muchos años. Estas arterias suministran sangre rica en oxígeno al músculo cardíaco.

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COPD - Signs and Symptoms

At first, COPD may cause no symptoms or only mild symptoms. As the disease worsens, common signs and symptoms include an ongoing cough (with or without mucus), shortness of breath, wheezing or whistling when breathing, and chest tightness.

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LAM - Causes

Researchers do not know the exact cause of LAM or why it mainly affects women, but they believe genes and the female hormone estrogen play a role.

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Coronary Heart Disease – Risk Factors

coronary artery disease  coronary heart disease  coronary microvascular disease 

There are many risk factors for coronary heart disease. Your risk of coronary heart disease goes up with the number of risk factors you have and how serious they are. Some risk factors—such as high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol—can be changed through heart-healthy lifestyle changes. Other risk factors, such as your sex, older age, family history and genetics, and race and ethnicity, cannot be changed.

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Heart Inflammation - Diagnosis

Heart Inflammation  Endocarditis  Pericarditis  Myocarditis 

Your doctor will diagnose heart inflammation based on your medical history, a physical exam, and various tests and procedures, such as echocardiography.

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Coronary Heart Disease - Living With

coronary artery disease  coronary heart disease  coronary microvascular disease 

If you have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease, it is important that you continue treatment plan. Get regular follow-up care to control your condition and prevent complications.

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