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Iron-Deficiency Anemia - Treatment

anemia  iron  iron-deficiency anemia  blood loss 

Treatment for iron-deficiency anemia will depend on its cause and severity. Treatments may include iron supplements, red blood cell transfusions, changes in your eating pattern, or procedures like endoscopy to stop bleeding.

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Congenital Heart Defects - Causes

atrial septal defect  Holes in the Heart  Ventricular Septal Defect  Tetralogy of Fallot  Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)  Congenital Heart Disease 

Congenital heart defects happen because the heart does not develop normally while the baby is growing in the womb. Doctors often do not know why congenital heart defects occur. Researchers do know that genetics can sometimes play a role.

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Cystic Fibrosis - Screening and Prevention


Genetic testing may be performed to look for carriers, as well as to screen relatives of people who have cystic fibrosis.

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Pulmonary Rehabilitation - What to Expect

lung  pulmonary  pulmonary rehab 

What to Expect If your doctor recommends pulmonary rehabilitation, you will receive care from a team of healthcare providers, who will design a plan that fits your needs based on the health of your lungs, your age, and other health factors. After your program ends, your team will assess your lung function again to see if your breathing has improved. Yes

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Angina - Types

heart  chest pain  blood flow  stable angina  unstable angina  microvascular angina  variant angina 

The types of angina are stable, unstable, microvascular, and variant. The types vary based on their severity or cause.

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Vasculitis - Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

angiitis  arteritis 

The signs, symptoms, and complications of vasculitis vary depending on which type of vasculitis you have, the organs involved, and the severity of the condition. Some people may have few signs and symptoms. Other people may become very sick.

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Apnea del sueño - Signos, síntomas y complicaciones

Los signos y síntomas frecuentes de la apnea del sueño son los ronquidos o los jadeos durante el sueño, la respiración reducida o ausente (denominada "episodio de apnea") y la somnolencia. La apnea del sueño sin diagnosticar o tratar impide el sueño reparador y puede causar complicaciones que afecten muchas partes del cuerpo.

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Conduction Disorders - Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

heart block 

Many people who have conduction disorders, such as first-degree AV block, may have no obvious signs or symptoms. Others may have signs and symptoms that occur in specific situations, such as when you experience physical or emotional stress or when you sleep. Conduction disorders can lead to life-threatening arrhythmias if undiagnosed or untreated.

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How is Peripheral Artery Disease Diagnosed?

Your doctor will diagnose peripheral artery disease based on your medical and family histories, a physical exam, and results from one or more tests: ankle-brachial index, Doppler ultrasound, treadmill test, magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA), arteriogram, and blood tests.

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What Is Heart Valve Disease?

congenital  regurgitation  stenosis  sclerosis  prolapse 

Heart valve disease occurs if one or more of your heart valves don't work well. The heart has four valves—the tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral, and aortic valves—that make sure blood flows in the right direction through your heart’s four chambers and to the rest of your body.

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