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Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting - After Surgery

CABG  heart bypass surgery 

After CABG surgery, you will need time to recover. There are also potential complications from surgery, including arrhythmia, heart attack, and infection.

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Circadian Rhythm Disorders – Risk Factors

Sleep-wake cycle disorders 

You may have a higher risk for circadian rhythm disorders because of internal factors such as your age, your sex, family history and genetics, and certain medical conditions that affect your brain or vision. External factors such as your lifestyle habits, environment, and occupation can also increase your risk.

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Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome - Risk Factors

ARDS  acute lung injury  noncardiac pulmonary edema 

You may have an increased risk of ARDS because of infection, environmental exposures, lifestyle habits, genetics, other medical conditions or procedures, race, or sex. Risk factors can vary depending on your age, overall health, where you live, and the healthcare setting in which you receive care.

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Sarcoidosis - Diagnóstico

El médico puede diagnosticarle sarcoidosis con base en sus síntomas, un examen físico, el diagnóstico por imágenes o la biopsia de un órgano afectado. El médico también realizará pruebas para descartar otras enfermedades que tengan signos y síntomas parecidos.

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Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome - Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

ARDS  acute lung injury  noncardiac pulmonary edema 

Difficulty breathing is usually the first symptom of ARDS. Other signs and symptoms of ARDS may vary depending on the underlying cause and how severely you are affected. ARDS may take several days to develop, or it can rapidly get worse. Complications may include blood clots, infections, additional lung problems, or organ failure.

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Angina - Causas

La angina ocurre cuando el músculo cardíaco no recibe suficiente sangre rica en oxígeno. Las afecciones médicas, en particular la cardiopatía isquémica, o ciertos hábitos pueden provocar angina. Para comprender las causas de la angina, es importante saber cómo funciona el corazón.

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Circadian Rhythm Disorders – Causes

Sleep-wake cycle disorders 

Circadian rhythm disorders occur when your sleep-wake cycle is out of sync with your environment. Many factors, both internal and external, can cause you to have problems sleeping and raise your risk for a circadian rhythm disorder.

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Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency - Causes

inflammation  liver  Protein  lungs 

Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency happens when you do not make enough AAT protein. The AAT protein is made in your liver. This protein enters your blood and protects your organs, including the lungs, from damage. For example, your immune system is your body’s defense against bacteria and viruses but if it is overactive, it can damage your body while fighting diseases. The AAT protein prevents you from having too much inflammation in your lungs. Without enough AAT protein, your immune system may damage your lungs and lead to lung disease.

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Insomnia – Risk Factors

insomnia  sleep  sleep disorders  tiredness  healthy sleep habits  insomnia treatment 

You may have a higher risk of insomnia because of your age, family history and genetics, environment or occupation (work), lifestyle, stress or worrying about sleep, or your sex.

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Tratamiento de la EPOC

Hasta el momento, la EPOC no tiene cura. Sin embargo, los cambios en el estilo de vida y los tratamientos pueden lograr que usted se sienta mejor, permanezca más activo, y pueden retrasar la progresión de la enfermedad.

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